Note: I did not do this with Paint or anything like that. This was straight from Bnet When I was in the matchmaking lobby yesterday(4/1/09) I noticed a strange formation in the Online World Map. Ive seen this before as a spartan Mark VI helmet in the same general area... Now it resembles a "keep it clean" icon. You can see it in the area between Africa and Europe. Its tilted at a 30-degree angle. IDK if that is real or Bungie is just messin with us with subliminal messages <(?.?)>. ??????
It might have been just been those people on (I doubt it). I am pretty sure that Bungie did that to "Keep it Clean" for April Fool's day.
Yeah I noticed this too in matchmaking yesterday. Bungie sure does seem to pull it's share of pranks. And askthetik, you do realize a thread about this subject was already created by another member. Whatever it doesn't matter. You did a better job discussing the topic anyway.