I guess you really are a stalker if your going to go through all that checking. The best part is you are wrong even with how sure you are.. Maybe if you were such a genius, as you seem to claim to be you would see that I dont use that account any more as the last game played is over a month ago. I have played several games on this map, including territories, forging and taking it apart to see what was used.. Wow, try again yellow. I down loaded red cell and several others as well. Wow, yellow, now that I think of it your one of the few people I told my new account name to on your wall, check your recent post on your wall I told you like 2 weeks ago that I changed my name, and you said that you havent played in a while. Please Look and see!!
Seriously, Oh My God. The amount of effort you've put into this post and this map... Looks potentially confusing, especially if you're a first-time player. But this map could be very fun once you get used to it. Not sure whether many people will like being trapped inside the castles as the attackers though. I see mixed reviews on this map post, but I like it. I'd probably like it more if I'd ever played Castle Crashers, but you've earned my download nonetheless.
too late, instead of talking crap about how much time he spent on his post, why not just appreciate all that hes doing to try to explain to YOU?
Oh, hi, conkerkid. I enjoyed playing testing this with you. I think this fits more under casual, and that is how I will review it. Review: Enjoyment: I thought it rather enjoyable. It had some fun gameplay. Each team, though different, had some good gameplay. As the attackers, it was fun to siege the castles while getting shot at. I also liked the use of vechiles. The only problem I had, was that it was sometimes hard and almost a slaughter. As a defender, it was fun staying put to try to kill the attackers. If no one was around, it was boring. Score: 8.5/10 Balance: Each team had pretty good balance. Overall, no team had trouble, but there were a few problems. In some areas, the map was open and hard to attack but easy to defend. The defenders were a tight area. This made it hard to avoid attacks especially explosives. Score:7/10 Durability: Overall, the durability was good. No spawn killing. However, in one instance someone got out of the castles. However, I do no think this ruins the gameplay. Score: 6/10 Aesthetics: As far as I could tell, this map is forged perfectly. I saw no forging errors or sloppiness. You used the objects well, and had somethings look well placed. The theme of the map can easily be discerned from this. I actually felt like I was attacking a castle. Score: 9.5/10 Originality: The idea may not totally be original, but the it is executed is. Your utilization of objects and vehicles is very well done. The way you had to move around the map were interesting for both teams. I have never played a map like this Score: 9/10 Overall Score:
I think that your review is great and all, but like the other posts I got mad at, you did not read a portion of the post. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, but it effected the overall score by a lot. Say for instance, you graded down durability because somebody got out on the defenders side during testing. But in my post I have said multiple times that the defenders cannot escape in any way. Of course after testing, I went back and made the window small enough so that you cannot escape. So I think the score for durability is way off.. This happens in the grading for balance to. During the testing I asked the attackers where they wanted cover placed, after they had said it was to open. I placed the cover where they wanted it, and I think it came out great! Although kind of hard to see, because they told me they wanted it small enough to fit one person, they are on the second bridge headed towards the castle. Although a small change, it effects gameplay a lot. The territories have also been changed since the testing, due to there being 10 territories in the test map. I have since then removed the territory with the man cannon, and the territory next to the second sniper rifle. Yes, sometimes the map can be a slaughter. But as long as you are playing with even teams, and the correct amount of people, it can be very enjoyable, and not so much of a slaughter. During the testing the teams were uneven, and some say to large, some say to small. I recommend playing an even match of 6v6 for a real fun game. But anywhere from 4v4 to 8v8 works to. Let me just save your time by saying; this is not a conquest map. It does not work with Conquest v4. I only said that I changed a few settings on Conquest v4 to allow for vehicles and one-sided territories. It has also been changed to 2 rounds. That has probably been the shortest post I have ever given. All I have to say to you is that I recommend you don't post in this thread until you have played the map. I don't care what the cheat pointed out to you. I don't care if you just figured out this map isn't supposed to be like Castle Crashers. I really don't even care if you are going to download it or not. But the thing I could care less about, is that you voted "It's not my type" just because you didn't like the look of the map from the pictures. Just play the map, then come back and give me your sympathy.
well i played it. um. its alright. not getting a boner off of that one tho. i think it wouldve been better with more then 6 people playing . full party play would be really fun. ill up this map to a 4.3/5 now
I see you posted it already, i played it and it was pretty fun, what you added is good for more cover. The testing was very fun and i think this has a lot of potential, as it is already really fun to play on, a great new hybrid type mini game , good job
friends buddy thats where i went. yes i dont have the map pack but then again why would i want to spend 70 dollars for halo wars? i dont have the money. my friends have it tho so i just had them download it for me
Kk, gotcha. Was just making sure, thanks for downloading, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! I know it takes awhile to get used to, but when you do, it turns into a really fun, and competitive game! Edit: And will the person taging my files and other peoples files with "Conkerkid11 is fat" please stop!
i accidentally joined a game of this a couple days ago. it seamed pretty cool although i left in about 2 min cuz i didn't even mean to be there in the first place. lol but nice idea.
Thanks for the great feedback everybody, the reviews are great, all that stuff. But what I really need are ideas of what to add in the 2nd version! If you rate it below a 5, please tell me what to add, so that I may get your vote up to 5 please!
I tested it out with my 2 friends yesterday and it was still fun despite the lack of players. I have a suggestion for V2, instead of having 2 towers accesable by eachother via teleporter, why not make 1 big tower stretching down beside the street where you capture the territories? It would be soo awesome! Think about it!
Wouldn't that take away from the whole castle experience? I don't even think I have the budget, or the OLN to even do that to.. how about some reasonable changes? Reminding you that I have hit the OLN already, and have $60 budget left.
this is going to be the weirdest post i have ever made. There's more then 1 castle, correct? If there isn't call me a noob/if there is procede to next line The teleporter in the castle leads to the other castle correct? If correct, skip the next line/if not correct, then read the next line. You need a way to get in between the two castles Interlock the teleporter into the wall, and give it an indicator, like a custom powerup interlocked over it so you know it's there. This well keep people from accidentally blundering into it. If you think this was a good idea, give me a cookie/ if you think this was retarded, then ...... YOU WERE EATEN BY A GIANT PENGUIN, PLEASE START THIS POST OVER TO REACH THE ENDING, WICH CONTAINS SOMETHING THAT WELL MAKE THIS MAP THE GREATEST ONE EVER! THERE IS A WAY TO REACH THE END! N33DZ MOR3 INT3R10CK1NG!!!111!!!!!!!1111!111!!111 hope you enjoyed that....
I hope that you read this post, and that this isn't just a big waste of my time. But yes, there are 2 castles, and yes there is a two way node in each of them. Your interlocking of the two way node idea doesn't work, because I have found that the teleporters come out as "Blocked" if done this way. No matter how I interlock it. I have tried interlocking it the least I could have, and it still came out as "Blocked". So no you do not deserve a cookie, though I respect your thoughts and feelings, and might try to interlock it once again in the 2nd version. But the thing is, is the teleporter doesn't get it the way at all. Although it would make the map look nice, interlocking the two way node never works out for me. You're saying that in order for this map to become the greatest one ever, it needs moar interlox? I think this map has enough interloxing as it is, and did I ever tell you that almost every immovable object on this map is interlocked? Kinda neat huh? Every block, every large block, every wall, every part in the castle but the node is interlocked. What I think this map needs in order to become the greatest one ever, is more attention. I think, just because this post is so detailed, and that it has so much information on it, that nobody wants to look at it. I think this map isn't getting the attention it clearly deserves from the majority of the people voting "Great." So far, everybody who has downloaded it has loved it. But only the same people post on my threads. I don't know why.. Maybe it's the map's name, maybe it's the format of my post, or maybe it's because I'm in the right place at the wrong time. But something is causing people to skip past my map, and post on every other map. Feedback like the quote above are what I want to see. Even map ratings (After you have played it of course) are also acceptable, but make sure you tell me what to fix to get your rating up to 5/5 before you rate it lower than 5. I want to make a map that everybody enjoys, not one that everybody thinks they enjoy. Edit: I need to know what to add to the map, please! Somebody save me! I don't know what to do in forge! I need ideas for a v2 nao! I need something to stick below this thing nao!!! This map isn't getting the damn attention it deserves...
Awesome map. I love the smooth pathways and the perfect aesthetics. The warthog in pic 9 under the wall looks interesting. Also nice job with the headings in your post - very nice. 5/5
Yeah, although it doesn't say it in the post. The warthog makes it so that you can't pick up the brute shot leaning on the wall. Instead of it saying "Press RB to pick up Brute Shot." It will say "Press RB to flip Warthog." You can only pick up the brute shot if the defenders blow up the warthog. Flipping the warthog does nothing, and the warthog is jammed in between the wall and the floor. Edit: Why so many new members? Why is this map so unpopular? Somebody save me! 2,000 views.. damn, this map went far, and then it just dropped....
I actualy got a game on this, after 30 minutes of bribing to get people with the maps in my game. in the end it was only 2v3, so i'll just give you some general tips. If there's a way, make the blocks easier to move out of the way with the warthog. It can get annoying after a while. Make the castle bigger, it got a little cramped with 2 people, Make it so you don't accidentaly move into the teleporters. Use the custom powerup to do something cool with. bigger territories please, ecspecialy the last one. Well those are my extremely vague tips, enjoy. Oh and you may want to post v2 in another form, and after sandbox is realeased. That's why you have so many views, yet so little downloads. Just wait 3 days
Don't infract this post, please. It used to be a very extremely long post in reply to Penguin. But I'm switching it to this in hopes that people see it! So I was wondering a few things, that if enough people say yes to, I might just change them. Some regarding the post, and some the map. So here goes.. oh yeah, and some of them are just your opinions. You don't have to answer them, this is just here, because these are things I need to know before this thread gets backed up to the long lost pages of 3 weeks ago or later. 1.) Should I get this placed in the Mini Games section? 2.) Should I make any changes to this map, at all? If so, then what? 3.) If you think I should make changes, then when the changes are made, should I post the updated version in a seperate map thread? 4.) Should I just lose all hope on this map, and give up? 5.) Do you like this map? 6.) Do you like this map enough for it to get featured? 7.) If you like this map enough for it to get featured, why haven't you nominated it yet? 8.) Tieing in with #2, if you rated this map below 5, why? What should I change in order for that rating to go up to 5? 9.) Tieing in with #2, and #6. If you don't think this map should get featured, what should I change in order for you to want it to get featured? I know all this reading business is a big deal to some of you, and some of you it's not. But please, don't skip past this thread just because of all this crap I have typed. At least stop by and answer one of these questions. Be a helpful person.. I need to know your opinions on this map, and why I have posted in it more times then other people have. Edit: That came out a bit long.. lulz. TWSS! You don't have to answer any of these, but I will invisible +rep you if you do!