Well the most common response i am getting is that the mancannon platform is ugly and lacks cover. And it is quite obvious that not many of you read the description. I used every single item. So no, i'm not going to add more cover, and i'm not gonna try and make it look better. I tested this map with many experienced forgers this week and they loved the mancannon. I quote AZN FTW, "now thats a good mancannon!" And Lights, this is a good comment, one that was also brought up during testing. Several other people asked why i didnt just put the shotgun at the base of the mancannon. I explained to them that no one wanted to get launched to the middle of most open area of the map with a shotgun. Plus you would be useless on the way up. As with the BR, I wanted two on the map (like lockout), and players can shoot enemies while they are in the air. With the BR there, players can grab it, jump in the mancannon, turn around and shoot their pursurers as well. This is one of the reasons the mancannon is rewarding. It'll save you're life in many situations. Also, in objective gametypes, it'll launch players in the direction of the flag point, or bomb arming area, etc. The mancannon has more functions than you would think. And until playing on this map, those uses will be difficult to understand.
I think I'll have to keep both maps. Why didn't you invite me for testing???? I wish I had known. I'll dl this one too and see how I like it. Curses to bungie again for having the item limit... Invite me! LOL 5/5
Good map and all, but are you ever going to add shotgun room, and elbow? If not make a guardian remake.
I really like v1 and also this version. It really feels like lockout when u are playing on it. 4.9/5 I would really want to see elbow then this would be the perfect remake for me. @ Reaper: Why make a Guardian remake when it is already in Halo 3 ??
No, I will never add the shotgun room or elbow, I already told you that, sir. I used every single item perfecting the map how it is. Plus i am also satisfied and very pleased with the v2! Even for those who liked the first version, I encourage you to try this one as well. The v2 is much more competitive than the first, for obvious reasons. Sorry toast, i'll get you in sometime this week!
This is great! I really like this idea. I have never seen the original, so I have no idea how this compares. However, I like the original idea and great execution. Great job!
Im with toast, I wanted to test it also I cried a when i read that the banshee was gone, just a little bit, and they were tears of blood like Chuck Norris would have if he cried, his tears Cancer btw. I was going to suggest putting shotgun by man cannon but Lights beat me to it, So you pretty much would establish the 3 things lift room does. shotgun,bringing you to middle, and escape. Looks like i still have to deal with just suicide sticking the sword *****. I'm sure you tried it with shotgun, and this way is ultimately better Ok ranting time, I'm going to try and make this as non-offensive as possible. The reason you posted locked out v1 was so you could put your own original spin on lockout, correct? Since we all ready have blackout, we don't need another lockout remake. The banshee and the laser established this as your own creation. It's like me making a remake of guardian, removing green room with just a lift to sniper, then taking out some of the trick jumps, then fixing all the problems that existed with it. We would love the map, if it was great looking like this map, but it would be a little redundant. I just wish you would do one thing to make this your own, that didn't happen because of lack of budget, I'm not saying to turn sniper into a mancannon room, our to move sniper 90°. I tried to think of something, but nothing popped into my head, you have a great imagination, who would even consider adding a banshee to a remake of lockout even though there's all ready one supplied by Bungie and make it work? That takes skill. Oh and thanks for fixing shotgun hole, now i only have to worry about elbow. /hopefully not insulting rant I love this map, I'm not saying i hate it, It's the best lockout remake ever, including blackout. It's beutifully made, apparently all the spawns and weapons are correct, I'll try and get a game with you this weakend, I hope you prove me wrong about this being just a better Blackout. Blackout may have all the layout, but you got the Lockout that everyone that has had halo 2 is still talking about. I'm getting halo2 soon, so i well compare them then then. Once again, I love this map, even though it's purpose may have changed. It's still one of the greatest remakes & skybubble maps.
Well skanky toast here. I just got done with playing a few games with the creator himself. We started off with a bleak forgethrough and later some juggernaut. I didn't like the juggernaut too much but of well. The mancannon definitely gave a different feel for the map. It seemed to be used alot by the bomb carrier on one bomb,( which worked out suprisingly well on such a small map) but due to the lack of cover, wAsn't used much in juggernaut. I loved the little places you could crouch jump from tv bottom level to the top and all, but I would like to see more than 2 power weapons. Like a shotgun by mancannon. Anyways bravo on v2 and I'm glad you invited me for a couple testing sessions. 5/5 in my harddrive 4evah! Ahhhhh my thumbs ate cramped from typing on my puny itouch keyoard! Lol.
After a runthrough, I would say that you really do get the feeling of playing on Lockout in certain places on this map. Some of the ceilings were a bit low though, and that man cannon shot me over the edge once. I might have just bordered that side off completely and just keep everything else in proportion. It's a great map though. I kinda wish you would use your skills to remake a map that hasn't already been remade by Bungie, but this map is nice addition to your forged creations.
I always like your comments penguin. And i sure hope you come back and give us a review after playing the map! Well okay, you agree that a shotgun would work well on the end of the mancannon platform. I'm sure there are many others that would agree. But as you said, the BR is the best choice in the end. You liked the banshee because it made the map my own. And i agree, taking that away, took a little of the maps character away. But it also transformed it into something competitive and more playable. The banshee locked out was my creation. Locked Out v2 was made by Forge Hub. Every single comment from the original posted was taken into consideration and many suggestions were tested. In the end, improvements were made based on your requests (both FH and XF). So for those of you that prefer the banshee version of the map, great! But i encourage you to give this a try as well. When i first made all the changes, i still like my first version better. But after i tested the v2, my opinion quickly changed. I'm definitely addicted to the competitive gaming style the v2 has to offer. So, I leave the choice up to you. "...now i only have to worry about elbow." You do? You did see that i blocked the opening to the elbow right? Although the elbow is gone, you won't have to worry about walking backwards out that door anymore... I'm glad to hear you are getting halo 2 and that you will compare this map with the original lockout. I think many of us have started to forget all that map had to offer. And once again, I appreciate the thought out comments I have come to expect from you! I'm glad i could finally get you in some games mr toast! Some liked jug more than others yes, but you have to agree that it works well on this map. And one bomb was a blast! With the addition of the mancannon, neutral gametypes are much better. Multiflag is a bit too quick, because the distance from flag point to flag point is quite short. So i recommend asymmetrical games. We also played some pretty close KOTH games as well! (i still don't get the point of mosh pit...) Thanks again for playing the map, and i'm glad you enjoyed it! And if you ever get the 2 flag game to work, let me know!
Thanks for not flaming me, well i made a foe pa (not how you spell it i know.) I will try and get a round going before TGIF, Expect a really detailed review. What's another good gametype, besides oddball. I HATE ODDBALL!
Well i anxiously await your review! If you don't like Oddball, i recommend you try Neutral Bomb, single bomb, or jug. All one sided games work very well on this map, so try those first. But if you arent looking for competitive games, try swords. Good luck, i know you'll enjoy it!
Gunner, i know from testing this map out with a few other friends that the plasma nades affect the gameplay A TON, i would remove 3 or 4 of them, i would not just change their repawn times because then you would have 3 or 4 more items that you could put down on the map, and i found out that it is really easy to land on the floating blue light from the mancannon jump. thats all
Good job, definitely looks better than V1. I have a few suggestions though. The first thing is if you can try to recreate the ledges on the doorways, not on all of them, just the S1 doors because those were the only ones that were used tactically. I understand it may be difficult but possibly you can figure a way out. Second you should consider making an elbow coming out from S1 and pulling a 90 degree turn into bottom lift/BR spawn. If you could pull this off under the limitations of the budgets that would be amazing. Oh and also I really do not believe penguin asassin quite understands the significant differences of Lockout and Blackout and consequently does not understand why you remade this map. And that is common among people who have never played Halo 2 and even when they have played Halo 2 never online to a reasonable extent. Personally I do not fall in that same boat and the change are more apparent to me and well you have done a great job and even though it is missing an elbow/ lift stucture. And the parts that you do have are strikingly accurate to the original Lockout much more so than Blackout. Anyway your changes from V1 to V2 were great and well you don't need to really stray from the orignal Lockout, I mean Bungie tried that and well it didn't turn out too well.
The first screenshot blew me away (alright, exaggeration). Only thing I don't really like is the former-banshee pad. It looks pretty useless now, even with the weapons. It's too dangerous to use, because it makes you an easy target. Try making the Man Cannon shoot you into a (for example) floating room. Also, the map kinda reminds me of lockout. EDIT: Wait, just noticed the name, is this meant a remake/variation on lockout?
First off- lol. Seriously, or are you joking about the remake part? Secondly- I completely agree. I played this map last night with some friends and noone EVER went to that strip- the few times they DID, they died. Just about ALL of the game play centered at the sniper towers. I think it's an EXCELLENT forge- surely great skills there- but the game play seemed to center in a much smaller area than I'm used to on the original and Blackout. Not having the door on the left in the room just right of the sword spawn made me feel a little claustrophobic after being so used to going right up that door in Balckout. (or was it really like that in the original Lock Out too?) Anyway- just be checking this map out youve made me want to see your other maps anyway.
This is really well put together, It's accually a really good recreation, but I think you should include a cannon room, It would bring up the map quality. I like how you added twists and your own ideas. Good job man, but seriously! * WHY ARE ALL YOU PEOPLE MAKING LOCK OUT REMAKES, WE ALREADY HAVE ONE! ITS CALLED BLACKOUT! * lol I'd say that if you recreate the cannon room, as clean cut as you remade everything else, You could possibly be looking at a feature
the map looks really good the only thing is that i would like there to be a shotgun room, but this map is still really good!