I'm currently working on a project that's a lot more serious than any other ones I've attempted on Forge. I am making a Narrows-like map (not a remake) with similar gameplay. Bottom mid will be sniper, and top mid will be rockets. I'm currently leaning for this to be an MLG map, but I'm not really sure. Anyway, here's some plans: Key: Shaded areas = 1st floor White areas = 2nd floor The bumpers (b1, b2, etc.) are semi-interlocked boxes or blocks to use for cover. The mancannon speech bubble indicates where the mancannon will be located, and the arrows leading from it will show where the players will land. The ramp arrows signify that it will lead the players downwards in that direction. Original: Edited: The shaded black path in the center of the page goes under the second story and connects to the opposite one. Advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks, Turb
You could add Deployable Covers near the mancannon landings too deflect people using them, and also you could put gravity lifts near the ManCannons too Deflect deployable Covers.
I'm leaning towards MLG so I'm not too sure about that. I want this to be a really competitive map, so I don't want it possible for other people to throw you off the map. That's just frustrating Some side notes: I plan to make this in the Skybubble.
Well just too make sure no one accidentally gets through the teleporter there, and too give it a cool effect, you can add a wall too the bottom of the teleporter base, then place a kill ball in the centre there, wait for it too freeze in place and then remove the wall.
I like the idea of using other maps to inspire you, especially if you can give it a special personal twist. Duplication is one thing, and inspiration is a totally different thing. So the best advice I can give is to make it your own. Good luck.
I suggest adding some more paths or making it wider, also maybe a slope up or down in the middle to add some height variation. A slope up would work the best.
I was thinking a lot about that, but I felt that it would almost resemble Narrows too much. I'm trying to figure out a way for a decent cover system.
The man cannon is not like the cannons on the actual narrows, because the cannon actual centers you and gives you perfect aim to a certain point. If you walk in the man cannon from the side, you will have a slight angle going to that direction, and possibly fall off. So make sure you are FORCED to go in only 1 way, and not from the side. As for you cover system, I recommend interlocking items together so you can shoot over it. Usually when I see cover you can't shoot over I do one of two things. 1) Hide and ambush someone when they passby 2) recharge sheilds. Now one you can shoot over offer cover from ranged, automatic weapons such as the Ar and SMG. Not only that they give protection from those very lucky sticks or finishing grenades.