Area 99 Assassinman117 Supported Gametypes: Slayer Map Description This is my first forge hub map i did the best i could please leave comments on how to improve, enjoy good for slayer many sniper places, weapon list, firebomb grenadex1 spike grenadex2 flamethrowerx1 shotgunx1 sniper riflex1 beam riflex1 battle riflex1 covenant carbinex1 needlerx1 magnumx1 SMGx2 One victim of my shotgun rampage Path to the flamethrower Overview from the right Overview from left Death from above Slice'Dice Carbines are awesome I love needlers That's one sniper down Me in close combat ADDITIONAL SUMMING-UP COMMENTS AND THANKS FOR ANYONE GIVING FEEDBACK HERE Map at Gametype at
Also, atop fixing the link and embedding your pictures, you need a description. We want to know what your map entails and what it is supposed to play like.
- The map seems way too open to be suitable for ANY gametype. - Objects and weapons are littered all over the canvas. - Players who are spawned on the upper regions of the map will have an HUGE advantage over all other players. I suggest reworking this map.