Mausoleum This is a symmetrical map made on the crypt level of sandbox. It supports all symmetrical gametypes, TS, KOTH, and FFA. It features two bases, a weak and strong side level, and a bottom walkway with moderate cover and raised sides. 80% of it is interlocked, as smoothly as I could. Weapons: AR-2 BR-5 Plasma-4 Brute-2 Rockets-1 Carbine-2 SMG-4 Regen-1 Bubble-1 Screenshots: Overview (The discolorations in the single boxes were fixed): Inside Blue Base (There is a small dropdown useful for CTF or when getting spawn raped, same with the red side): Mancannon to weak side: Strong side: Weak side: Walkway: Walkway2: Red Base: Rockets (They're in the middle): Blue Base: Sniped: Cmon Over (The sideways scaffolding was removed): I hope you enjoy the map. DOWNLOAD: Halo 3 File Details
Pics arnt working you need to embed them one sec i'll get the tutorial link. HERE IT IS also can no one else please flame or "instruct" him about missing pics?
Welcome to Forgehub You have no pics. Please embed them by using Photobucket or some other photo site. You has 24 hours. Map sounds good. Just get those pictures up so we can see what it looks like.
As you can tell there are no pictures in this thread, meaning that the post is not up to forgehub standards. All map posts must have one embedded picture, a download link, and a desciption. You got 67% of that right you just need to get your pictures up. Here is a tutural on how to embed pictures. Please nobody else post regarding this post not being up to standards. If he reads this post I am sure he will get the point Yes but they did not give a thorough explanation on what he did wrong and how to fix it. Thanks for spamming up this thread BTW
Sorry about that guys firefox wouldn't let me paste the img code so i had to open safari and i guess you guys beat me to the edit. (Thanks for not flaming)
We are pretty fast arn't we anyway the map looks pretty cool I like how some of it is enclosed it makes it more confined/claustrophobic and I like how you did the main bases they look really unique and cool.The walkways too, they look? interlocked. anyway 9/10
Yes it is sorry about that I forgot to include. The hills are set at the ends of the diamond and the bases.
Not bad form the pics, I can tell you haven't forged much just from looking at it, well maybe your merges look good but I feel that I need to look for my self. I like the space you took up using the whole basement and such, but I will download in the next 15 or 20 minutes then give my full reply. Actually I like that you made it semetrical, let me get back to you I could completely change my opinion, just post some more pics for the threads sake.
You are right, this is my second map, and in my mind my first REAL map that I have worked on for more than a few days. I thought twelve was enough, but if it needs it, I will add a few pics.