First of I really don't see anything original to this map there is nothing to that makes me want to come back to it. Secondly I really dont see any interlocking in this map interlocking makes everything come together much smoother and make it look very neat I suggest you try it if you dont know how look here for information on how to perform these tricks. And finally while teleporters may stop people from spawn camping whats to stop people from just camping at the teleporter itself good luck with all your future projects I wish the best.
Yeah I know how to do all of that. Things such as interlocking were not necessary. This is supposed to be very simple and straightforward. The sender node sends the person to one of three portals so you can't camp them. Thanks anyways though.
A suggesyion to stop spawn camping: Make the portal high in the map, within a single closed box with a shield door on one side, and a wall on the other. Make three of these to make it less predicable.
Sorry, that last post was by me. Place a floating single open box in the air, high above jumping distance. Make the receiver go to inside the box. On one end of the box, make a wall, blocking one of the open sides. Place a shield door on the other open end, to allow exit, but not camping. Make at least three of these floating boxes to prevent predicttion on which one they may come out of.
Map is laid out very neat, and while there isn't much need for interlocking on the sides, I think the boxes in the middle need to be interlocked. If you are fighting on the top grenades can get stuck in the sides of the boxes unless they are interlocked and smoothed out. Also the map, both visually and physically, are fairly plain. Since you have such simple map geometry why not try and use other items to visually differentiate the areas of the map.
It's alright but i think ive seen this somewhere else and i havent got much space left on my HD and ive got to be more selective about what i download so you havent got my Dl , sorry.
Haha it's cool. I get what you mean. I DL like crazy but now I gotta chill with it. I'm deleting daily cause I have so many.
um place the duuble boxes upside down they loook coller.make a second floor ,interlock something besides that wall and box,and be original nd then iwill dl
Ugghh it's a good map but please everyone enough with the interlocking comments, interlocking is not needed to have a neat nice looking map. Interlocking has two functions: -To make a map look cosmetically nice -Or to adjust the size or position of a scenery piece Interlocking isn't needed for every single part of the map unless you really like wasting you life so you can say that your map is neatastic For me and many others no one cares so please lets not make the main topic of this thread complaining about the lack of interlocking