Sandbox Block Fort

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by CK CUJO, Mar 15, 2009.

  1. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    Block Fort v.2
    created by CK CUJO in Sandbox's Crypt

    gametypes supported: Slayer, CTF, KOTH, Oddball, Assault, VIP (race) for 4-16 players


    This map is a recreation by everyone's favorite level from Mario Kart 64.


    Before the new maps came out, I had already planned on creating this. To the best of my ability, I made this map to allow semi- easy driving on the mongoose allowing lots of room for turns. This map plays really well on all major game types though I've not set it up for territories.


    Playing 'rocket race' is best on this map, minus the rockets. I've found that setting starting weapons to pistols, no weapon pickup and infinite grenades on, it's about the closest thing you could get to oiraM traK elbuoD hsaD.


    There are a few difference to this map than the original Block Fort. One, there was a path behind each base, right above the main ramps that connected to the rest of the first level; there was no room. If the crypt had been four spaces by four spaces larger, it would have been perfect, but I've found that doesn't matter. It plays better than I think it would have otherwise. Another change is the inclusion of the mongooses... two under each base, around back by the ramps. I've created a 'cubby hole' to keep them spawning out of the path of the drivers. They don't get in the way and if there's a gametype that you don't want them used in (they're awesome for CTF and Assault btw), just set the gametype to 'no vehicles'. Hope you like the map.


    Here's an overview of the map:

    Please oh please send me a friend request. I need more friends to play custom games with. Kthanxbai! --CK CUJO

    map download-Block Fort

    Thanks to FoMan123 for his 'Crypt Canvas' (found here on . It really made things easy for me.
    #1 CK CUJO, Mar 15, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2009
  2. AssassinChao

    AssassinChao Ancient
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    hmmm i like the design of the fort very much... but wat i dont rly like is the outside... i mean if there were vehicles like maybe... 2 warthogs? then i could see y u would leave the outside open like that but if its just mongooses i would add some kinda structures or cover outside of the fort... maybe ill dl a lil later
  3. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    So, this is a remake of Block Fort from Mario Kart 64... it's supposed open on the outside in that map, so it's open in this one. It's for driving... yeah...
  4. SpeedDemon

    SpeedDemon Ancient
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    Great remake! i loved playing this track on mario cart 64 all the time!! it still cracks me up how you already have replies complaining that it isn't good, and that you should add things that aren't in mario warthogs, come on!! haha annoys me when people just look at the "pretty pictures" and don't read what the map actually is xP
    anyways great job!

    Senior Member

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    I played this on Mario Kart DS I think. And that was awesome. Definite DL and maybe you should set it up for a VIP gametype or Battletracks.

    Wow infracted. I played it yesterday as well but couldn't find this post. I found it really funny, although it got really annoying turning on the upper levels and falling off, and the rockets ruined it as people were just camping the top an raining them on us (one led to a splatter!).

    I know its not MArio like but maybe add wedges on the outside of the top bridges?
    #5 RRAAAAAWWWWWWWR, Mar 15, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2009
  6. Double Vision

    Double Vision Ancient
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    As a remake, this certainly succeeds my remake, since mine was on foundry and i totally revamped mine. Anyway, it would be sweet if there was a variant that only wheelman medals give you points, then that would be a cool idea for block fort. I'd download but i dont have the maps yet.
    well, nice remake.

    I would recommend adding more weapons on this map, for nonracing variants. such as having nades on top of each base and having BR's at each of the corners and at least one on the middle level on each base. Well, just a suggestion, your choice.
  7. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    You've done a good job at recreating the map, but it seems to be more of a casual map, despite it being set up for multiple gametypes. Have you set the map up for Rocket Race? That would be the perfect gametype for a map of this nature.

    You could even set the map up for a different variant of Rocket Race called "Brute Burnout", which is nearly the same concept except players have Brute Shots instead of Rockets.
  8. MovieGame

    MovieGame Ancient
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    I loved this map on Mario Kart and I loved it on this! 3/5 Good job! I know that Mario Kart didn't have any of this but you should put more than a rocket laucher and mongeese. This would be an awesome rocket race!
  9. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    The map was moved for the reason mentioned above by Draw The Line and I quote "It seems to be more of a casual map, despite it being set up for multiple gametypes." Although he probably didn't move it himself, he is the expert here so I'd probably listen to his advice.

    To me it seems casual as well since the main game type for the map is vehicle-based. Basically, your main gametype for the map as you said is "Rocket Race". The main gametypes for competitive maps are Slayer, CTF, OddBall, etc.

    Hope this helped.
  10. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    it seems kinda boring to me... im assuming your basing this level off the 64/ds block fort not the gc one? cuz the game cube one doesnt have a second floor
  11. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    Ah... I C..
  12. fornozo

    fornozo Ancient
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    To Darksoullll: This is a remake of the N64 one since the DS variant was a edit version of this one.
    On topic: Looks cool. I sure loved playing against my dad and brother on this map back in the days =D But as mentioned before rockets seem unbalanced and should be replaced with brute shoots, but if you decide to keep the rockets have teams spawn without unlimited ammo and have extra ammo available thought rockets in the map or custom power-ups which would give you unlimited ammo for 30sec maybe.

    Seems OK overall but I apologize for not being able to download it since I got RRoD on my xbox and won't have it back for 3 more weeks :(
  13. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    So, the rocket spawned in the middle of the map is just for standard CTF, Slayer, and Assault game types. When playing 'race' gametypes, the gametype will not allow the use of weapon pickup.
  14. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    Looks like a good remake. Remakes are hard to make on Forge because of the differences in each game, but somehow it's possible to pull off some good remakes of maps or in this case tracks. I love Mario Kart, and this map looks great to play a nice battle game on. If I can find some room, I'll dl.

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