Not feeling to be honest, the bases are a tad alright but yet to small, and the middle like someone previously said is completely non related to blood gulch... I feel you could of used more building place as well. If you download the "No Guardians" map variant for sandbox it'll allow you to build outside the building space because the towers won't kill you, giving you a lot more building room... as blood gulch/coagulation was a lot longer then this.
if you want to make it perfect, you should put some sort of hill in the middle like in the original. from what i can see, the caves are not right and the cliff is to simplistic. I think you should remake it to be coagulation instead, so you can really utilize the rocks and stuff for the blue teleporter
This makes me think of that map, Smallhalla. Just make miniature versions of the main rocks on the map, and call it... um... Smallagulation... or something...
Looks cool but as alot of people before me have pointed out there are no cover in the middle to help out the gameplay, So I recommend going back and adding some hills/rocks like in the original one. Also correct me if I'm wrong but there are only 2 warthogs in the original one if I can remember right. The ground level on sandbox is also to small for this kinda of map I suggest that you your use the sky launge for this map I know it would recuire a lot of more work which I sure would not put in to it =P Using the sky box would give you a better chance to incorporate hills/merged rocks into the map. But you should know if I didn't have RRoD on my xbox I would try this map out and give you a gameplay opinion on it Keep Forgin' !
This map to be honest is nothign like a true remake and with what we have available no one should even attempt a true remake of blood gulch instead do some changing i have a plan for a blood gulch themed map and i now exactly how to make it the perfect size. Nice try i just reccomend you attempt somthing similar but not try to go for exactly