I was forging on Sandbox today and found a weird glitch! I saved my map to go do some GH: Metallica, ( \m/.(-.-).\m/ ) and when I came back my whole map was all messed up/crooked... this pissed me off and I had to rebuild part of my map... anyone else experience this?
Yeah, that's an old glitch that was found out a few weeks ago when we first got it. It only affects walls when placed horizontally.
It affects a few other things as well just walls are the worst. Also pretty sure it affects walls no matter what way you place them.
i havnt noticed this on my sandbox for some reason everyone talks about it but ive never expeirienced it i forge online to so maybe theres another way around it
Not true. This has been proven not to work. Sorry buddy, this is just a glitch that everyone has to deal with. I doubt Bungie will be able to patch it either.
Instead of using walls. you can use Corner and T walls. They work fine for floors. Also, I heard that wall slits aren't as noticeable.