Wats up, Its BLUE MAG1C 91. This is my second post on forge hub My map Called Harvest. Its a forerunner theme map, with only covenant and brute weapons to add to the alien feel. This map supports team slayer and capture the flag. Weapons List:8 carbines 4 plasma rifles 4 spikers 3 maulers 2 needlers 1 Beam rifle 1 Fuel rod gun 1 Grav Hammer 2 spike gernades 4 plasma gernades 1 bubble shield 1 regenerator 1 ghost an overview of Harvest this is were one team begins(same thing on other side) Sniper tower and bubble shield spawn(theres a built in lift next to the sniper) Floating bubble shield Middle Tower(grav hammer spawn) underneath the middle tower teles lead you to the grav hammer Fuel rod spawns on top (built in lift leads to the fuel rod gun The lift Fuel rod spawn Another view of thye sniper spawn To download Harvest Click hear:http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=71691731
It actually does look like a forerunner area. I've never seen that before, so props for that. It looks like the gameplay would be fun. I don't have the Mythic maps yet or else I would download, but from the pictures it looks good.
the map looks great, i love how you made a real forruner felling map, oh and by any chance was the name harvest based off the halo book Contact Harvest?
This map is excellent in Aesthetics. I like the forerunner theme going on and the structures really show that. The map design is like a much larger version of Assembly(a map I hate because its size) and I love it. Ive also noticed that you used the geographical lines(those gold lines on the floor) to form some of your structures. Nice Job anyways. I have not played on it yet but from the pics it looks awesome and cant wait till I have enough people to test it with. 5/5
It is rare i see someone with a themed map, and you've really done it well on a Brute themed map (default), although your center structure has a mix of Brute and Forerunner themes. In a V2 i feel that more gametypes would be appreciated. Also the two teams will be able to spawn trap each other easily i feel, so a secondary and/or tertiary spawn hive would prevent this. If you haven't done so already, just make it in a small structure with one or two spawns in it.
Very nice. I like it alot, and love the theme. It is probally the best forunner based map so far! Good job.