Is this seriously what you wished for? this april fools prank has turned into a night mare. Taking away Off-Topic was bad enough, but are you seriously just going to let ForgeHub die? I hope to dear god you backed up ForgeHub before today.
Calm the **** down... It's posts like these that are killing forge hub. God you people need to chill...
I was about to post something like this. Forge Hub is falling apart. Really. There is a current spamming massacre that is taking place at this very moment. I urge TDF to come back and bring order to all once again! *Applause*
I'm not trying to stick my nose into other people's business, but what all happened with TDF? ForgeHub has been chaos.
Most RETARDED. APRIL. FOOLS. JOKE. EVER. Really, you guys knew there would be dumbass people who took this to heart, and cry and whine about it. Also they wouldn't be able to figure out right from wrong when it's April Fools. Srsly, really stupid, even if for a joke.
What u said Jelleh I would rather not get raped. And this joke has gone far enough. FH better be back up because that would really suck for it to just end like this. Sucks for the ppl who already got banned though.