Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 2!!!) nerfing Hornet = FAIL ..... damn all the whiny online kids. balance schmalance.
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 2!!!) They havn't released the Map yet today and tis be Tuesday already... I R sadface now.
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 2!!!) I know, I'm dissapointed... I'm going to go watch Saving Private Ryan to squelch my dissapointment.
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 2!!!) They updating very late tonight and they people are going to like it.
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 2!!!) OMG what happened!!! it says Server Not Found every time I try to access Bungie!!
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 3!!!) And I say w00t w00t for Avalanche. I've been needing this. Now all I want it is: -Ascension -Lockout -Turf -Headlong -Midship
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 3!!!) i'm a bit miffed that they removed that back corridors for the shlooping between bases...
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 3!!!) I know I've said it before, but I absolutely cannot wait for the Sidewinder remake. I hope the Human vs Covenant concept plays out well. I wonder if that includes weapon sets, or just vehicles. "Can you say Capture the Flag with a Hornet?"
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 3!!!) Oh, I am sooooo excited for this. My wife and I used to play 1v1 on Sidewinder together back when we were first dating and it would take forever to end the game. I never got to play BTB on it, so I'm psyched for this.
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 3!!!) im pumped for this map, i remember how sidewinder sucked because every1 camped the portals with heavies while the vehicle aspect was just mayhem because ur getting blasted by banshees and rockets and tanks (of course im talking about the pc version)
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 3!!!) What could this be? Maybe some interesting walls to make interesting buildings in the snow. Optomistic curiosity abounds
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 3!!!) At first I was mad that you locked my thread but since you moved it over in its entirety I'm not mad at all. on topic: Sidewinder was my favorite map from H:CE and I hope the map will be just as EPIC. Can any one say Vehicular Conquest?
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 3!!!) There HAS to be a sniper on avalanche otherwise I will go and cry...
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 4!!!) This will be AWESOME! Vehicle conquest... epic. I wanna do it 1st!!! WAAA *Pouty* =[
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 4!!!) hopefully in their next batch of DLC, theyll make an open environment foundry with more forge objects and way more scenery, cuz barrels and crates are gettin old