April Fools.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tex, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I had a super long ****ing essay of an explanation written up.

    Then Firefox experienced an error.

    I am now going to be blunt.

    Some of you fell for the oldest trick in the book. Some of you didn't.

    Regardless, none of the past 24 hours has been interpretable. I'm here to tell you, that the virus ordeal, the staff's corruption, the guilders, the ot/prohub thing, everything, is all April Fools.

    Alright half of you knew it was, half of you didn't. For those who did know, Great ****ing job. Here is your ****ing cookie.


    But seriously, if you recognize an April Fool's in the works, don't ****ing ***** continuously about it, or say "okay it's getting old now" because you're just killing the awesome for others. It's like the person at a party going "Man, I'm bored as ****" <<< I hate that ****ing person. But ya, instead of doing that ****, next time you see an april fools in action, play along like Fbu, Shock, and a select few others did.

    I'm quite pleased overall, but in the end, what made this joke old, was the ot being gone thing. I gotta say, removing ot is just as bad an idea as i always thought it was. This has been a true test of what that scenario would be like. General Chat's existence would be...inexistant.

    All-in-all, today's events were fruitful, we got to see alot of people's initial reactions & and all had our laughs. But let's now please carry on with our lives. Stop posting useless threads in Site Guilders & General Chat. Off-topic will be here shortly. Pro-Forge will still be fail. Everything will be alright.
  2. Step On The Sidewalk

    Senior Member

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    What about all the ppl who left?
  3. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    They'll be back tomorrow.
  4. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    i fell for it :)

    Okay, so due to lack of hard evidence, you may find what I'm about to explain to you hard to believe, but bare with me on this.

    So the moans & groans of the regular members have been heard by me for far too long to go without informing you guys of this information. It's a huge deal, the staff don't want you to know about it, so everyone copy paste this message, cause it will probably be deleted & I may even be banned.

    Long ago, Forge Hub's goal was to keep a simple database for members of the Halo 3 Forge community to come together & show off each others' maps. Well, a few months back, things changed. Things changed quick & hard, without any recognition from the regular members, why? Because all the information about it remained locked away in the staff forum. After the issue was finally resolved in the staff forum, the whole entire topic was cut from the staff forum (deleted) then re-added to the admin forum as a reminder to the admins of what the forward drive for forge hub is. They couldn't leave it in the staff section, because newer staffers need not know what the topic contained.

    The topic itself is indescribable. Shock himself declares his utmost hatred for Forge & the fact that he's only here to watch noobs flame eachother in the map forums. Who would have thought our very own Shock Theta to be such a troll? Well, aside from watching the noobs eat one another whole, his favorite thing to do is to infract various members for the simplest of things. He once said "If the post is infractable, then infract it. If it's not infractable, then infract it. Just about the only time you don't infract it, is when you know they are going to gather a bunch of friends and cause a scene." But enough about the great, criminal mastermind, Shock. Let's talk about TDF.

    Fusion's goal in the long run for Forge Hub, was to isolate as many Halo 3 players as possible. He figured if he could get at least 15 thousand members together, then he would be set. Reason being, he's trying to scam everyone into cold, hard cash. He's already aquired ip addresses from many state-wide officials (believe it or not), many members of Bungie, and for the ****ing lol's he's got Grif's ip address. So, I'm sure you're asking, "Sweet, he's got my ip, what the **** he plannin on doin with it?!" Well, you'd be surprised at what they're talking about doing. Something about sending trojans which are set to go off this next Hub-iversery. The trojans are programmed to keylog anything and everything you do, including capture bank passwords, credit card numbers, and more.

    Though, Fusion's goal was found not too long ago, by LionHeart (the new owner of Forge Hub) (p.s. it was not hard at all for him to find out about all this, lololol). And lion and I spent an evening talking about all of this. He doesn't quite know what to do, because he can't just delete the ip's from TDF's computer, and on top of that, he doesn't have any idea how to get ahold of Fusion to stop him in his plan of attack.
  5. Step On The Sidewalk

    Senior Member

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    Some of em are banned.
  6. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    'Twas a good April Fools joke, but you didn't fool me sorry to say. I tried to play along though.

    I've got to say that this has been the most fun I've had on ForgeHub ever. You need to do this more often. :p
  7. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Like I said, they'll be back tomorrow.

    Knight Kninja, or however you spell your ol' name. Thanks a lot for actually saving that. I spent a bit of time on that. ^^)
  8. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Most of the banned people were banned as a joke, and they will be reversed and back here tomorrow.

    The merge with ProForge is fake; your forums (including offtopic) will be returned to you, don't worry. Give us a bit.
  9. Step On The Sidewalk

    Senior Member

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    How do you know that lol

    Some of them fell for it and i think they are seriouys and are now gone

    edit: BOB SAGET why does the fun end now.
  10. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    It's April fools, everyone put your smiley faces on. There was a moment were I believed everything. Oh well Live and let live.
  11. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Well it's no longer any fun now that you mention it.

    Now demote me. I'm tired of playing along.
  12. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    haha no problem. i fell for that totally and completely. i also locked it up. if you want to view it at a later time, you can look at like my third thread i made, i edited the message into my introduction message, and also posted it in the "forgehub" social group.

    i was ready for it lol

    EDIT: and Linu, i love the new locking method
  13. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Finally, a thread which is not deleted, or locked.

    Jesus that was ****ed up.

    Anyways, carry on with the "grr @ april foolz" comments.
  14. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    I can haz cookie?
  15. Step On The Sidewalk

    Senior Member

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    o my word thats horrifying
  16. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    For the record, a mod wass copy/pasting my thread. I had nothing to do with the 5 copies of this thread.
  17. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    This was the worst!!!! Luckily I wasn't on as much tonight :D
  18. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    This prank does not equal the greatness of Blizzard's pranks. One of their pranks today was the Archivist Class for Diablo III lol. He was just an old guy that died a lot.
  19. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This was a cruel, cruel joke. Why even do that? Completely unnecessary.

    ...I'll admit, i thought everything that happened today was real. The virus, B.U.N.G.L.E., this crap with Gulders, and forums, and ****, man this was basically a posting frenzy to get your posts up, huh?! that was the whole plan, wasn't it tex??!!!?!?!
  20. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    So... I'm not really a Guilder anymore?

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