im not positive but i think my first 360 game was Burnout:Revenge (decently awesome racing game for those who dont know)
I believe my first 360 game was Perfect Dark Zero. Excellent, and quite under-rated game, if you ask me.
Here's a new one: Need for Speed: Most Wanted. It was fun and at the time and I loved the CGI. Then I got PDZ. Ah, life was simpler back then.
Call of Duty 2 and Need for Speed Most Wanted. I bought them before the launch, but didn't get an 360 till later so I sort of had them just sitting around.
i wanted halo 1, 2, and 3 for my computer since i had no xbox like 2 years ago. i didnt know halo 3 wasnt on computer though. so i got halo 1(didnt have vista on my comp back then) and played for like a year. then i really wanted to get halo 3 so i got an xbox and played halo 3 for like 2 or 3 months before playng anything else. than i got gears, than frontlines:fuel of war and viking:battle for asgard, and then gears 2 and bioshcok and cod 5.
Oblivion was the first I believe. Then somewhere around that time I got DoA4, Gears, F.E.A.R, and NFS Most Wanted.
I bought Need for Speed: Carbon and NBA Street: Homecourt the day I got my 360... I still have the NBA game too. It's still fun to play every once in a while. Now I have like a massive collection of games. (If you call 20 or so massive... it is IMO)
wtf? cod 2 was your first xbox 360 game? thats a waste, you plrobly could've at least gotten cod 3...:irritated:
Skate and my brother picked up Shadowrun (eww) followed shortly after by Halo 3, Bioshock and Gears of War