Made By iTz HLG nOob _STORY_ Ice cream Man V2 is where there is one zombie (The Ice Cream Man) Is in A Warthog (Ice Cream Truck)... and well, he tries to splatter you while you The (Kid) have to try to avoid getting splattered by the ice cream man, but since you are just a kid you walk the slowest and jump the lowest, so that suck, but yeah, the game is really fun. A lot of people say this is better and funner than the Original Ice Cream man, But soon, if u like, i will make a V3 with more merged items and On Sandbox, and so that the zombie (ice cream man) can not cheat. Because I HATE WHEN ZOMBIE CHEATS, now on to the story, so u as a kid have to get the Ice Cream (Custom Power) to finally kill The Ice Cream Man. There are 10 rounds and No Time Limit, For DOWNLOAD LINK, it will be at the bottom of all the pictures i am about to show you! HAVE FUN!!!!!!!! 1st. a over view of the map 2nd. another over view of map 3rd. there are 3 room on each side w/ a suprise in each One! 4th. The first room has a Frag Grenade 5th. The Second room has a spike and a plasma Grenade(also Cover By door the Prevent the Zombie From Coming In) 6th. the 3rd room has a trip mine that will flip over the ice cream truck 7th. I did the roof a different style, HOPE U LIKE!! 8th. ZOMBIE (Ice Cream Man) SPAWN 9th. HUMAN (kids) SPAWN. end of the lane 10th. The GOAL (Custom Power) (Ice Cream!!) 11th. NO CHEATERS!! Cheaters will Be Removed from Party and Game, but if u are the party leader, U MUST BOOT YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Action Pictures (game play) I thank You All for looking at my map and Hop You In Joy It!!!!! DOWNLOAD MAP_ Kiddy Lane V2 DOWNLOAD GAMETYPE _ Ice Cream Man! THIS MAP WAS MADE BY
Your Thinking Of Regular Kiddy Lane, But if u dont Belive Me Send Me a Friend Request, GAMER TAG_ iTz HLG nOob and ill show you the hole 2hrs of me making the the Map in forge WHAT NOW!!!!!!!!! ( and whats ur Problem, me stelling a map i made, thats a really bad thing to say on the first Post, and since i did not steal it, I made it Yesterday, so there is no way you played it 100000 times you lier)
I think your talking about the v1 manners, this is easily confused with the v1, he's not lying he made a mistake, god on to the map, An easy way to fix the zombie cheating, but this only works if the humans have 100% jumps, witch they do, correct? Give the zombies the highest gravity available, then interlock it to the top of the house, Now you have to jump to reach it, and since the zombies have high gravity the can't. Please smooth out the floor, since this map has frags on it, they can get lost in the cracks. Also the driver may be messed up by a bump
Dude What Is your Problem, I made this Map Yesterday, U can Even Check, and once i show u the film, your going to feel so ridiculus, so c'mon send me a friend request... Im waiting
Ok, first off it's a great idea. Look's like it could be alot of fun! But further more, if you want more people to look into you're map, you'll def. want to interlock the floor. It may take alot longer, but that's the magic of making a map i suppose. :]
There is a way to keep the zombie from getting the C.P. just put two walls with a small gap between and put the C.P far engough away that the zombie can't get it and give the humans swords so they can reach it just by slashing.
It would be a lot better if you interlocked the floor. But i am a fan of ice cream man and think there was definatley a need for a v2 as the original version was less than satisfactory
Hasn't this already been made like 10 times? No offense but it looks too simple. Maybe try to make it more complicated. Like actually make a nieghborhood with turns and things like that .
srry, i didnt have that much boxes left, it takes up like all open and closed boxes. but i hopping to make one on Sandbox when it comes out
Considering you made it in one day and you did no interlocking I can tell you didn't put much effort into this map. Maybe you would want to make a v2 of the map and fix some things up which would definately help you get more DL's and it would not get in the way of such a good map.
why does everything have to be better when interlocked, thats so stupid, cant u just injoy the map and not think it is bad just because it has no interlocks!
I agree, only recommend interlocking/geomerging if it is needed. Nice map, I'm wondering why you decided to make a new Ice Cream Man when the original worked just as fine. This one does look at little nicer, though. I have been working on the original map because there were always problems. The solution to cheating is deleting the custom powerup house, raising the powerup, and putting a gravity lift. Since humans can pick up stuff, they use the gravity lift to get up to the custom powerup (just make sure zombies can't pick up anything).
It looks really good even without interlocking, I'ld say a 7/10. Its good aethetically, but not great