Hellos to all the Halo 3 Community. I have here, 2 Foundry Maps I made called Vanguard and Cavalier. My intention for these maps is to provide versitile maps that emphasize cover and navigation. Hope you guys enjoy playing them. Map Gameplay Info - These maps are both symmetrical in both weapon/vehicle placements and geometry. - There are NO Heavy Weapons, although there is a Turret for each side (no respawn) - Only Mongooses are available for vehicles. Links http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=18431900 - Vanguard http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=30359442 - Cavalier Pictures http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screenshots.aspx?mode=pinned&gamertag=Don%20Edward Enjoy - Don Edward
please read http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?topic=1475.0 before posting another map. pictures are required....and just so u dont get pissed like i did. This thread has been commented on no pictures no further posts about pics are required
honestly they both suck....lol just kiddin they r both very good dude....and yea welcome to forgy hub
You might get more dowloads if you put this in anouther forum as well this looks like a casual map to me.
Thanks alot to all who had fun on the maps. I have uploaded a fixed version of Cavalier on Bnet. The link to it is updated as well. The fix includes a few weapon/equipment placement updates and repaired flag and bomb spots. Oh, and the crates do NOT respawn. So, by the time you see the map at the end, it'll look like a bloody mess for the crates with all the grenades thrown. I created what I would call interactive cover. Have fun, guys.