Wats up forgehub,this is BLUE MAG1C 91. Im new to the forge hub community,my friend decided that cause he doesnt use his account anymore he might as well give it to me =). Well this is my second map (first one was Tower of Apolle under competitive) im posting on forge hub so go easy on me. Its called Repository, A forerunner powerplant that the brute inhabitants saw as a God, so in any case they built temples around it. This map only supports Team slayer =( cause I reached the item limit before placing any other gametype spawns. Well I hope you enjoy I know I did building it,this map holds alot of visual eyecandy and it will definently blow your mind! Weapons List: 6 Battle rifles 4 carbines 4 smgs 4 plasma rifles 2 needlers 1 rocket launcher 4 plasma gernades 2 bubble shields 2 MG turrents Center Piece(power plant) One side of the Blue side Other side of Blue base and sword shrine red base(same as blue base) Inside red base(same as blue base) on top of center piece which holds a sniper(can only get there through the mancannons on top of each base) Check out my map Tower of Apollo,you wont be wasting your time! DownLoad Repository Here:http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3Us...ileid=71622603 http://i724.photobucket.com/albums/ww243/BLUEMAG1C91/saaaaaaaaa.jpg http://i724.photobucket.com/albums/ww243/BLUEMAG1C91/saaaaaa.jpg http://i724.photobucket.com/albums/ww243/BLUEMAG1C91/saaaa.jpg http://i724.photobucket.com/albums/ww243/BLUEMAG1C91/sa.jpg http://i724.photobucket.com/albums/ww243/BLUEMAG1C91/aaaassss.jpg http://i724.photobucket.com/albums/ww243/BLUEMAG1C91/saa.jpg http://i724.photobucket.com/albums/ww243/BLUEMAG1C91/aaas.jpg
youve got to be kidding you need to embed your pics you need to also provide a map link and probably alot more pictures with a much better size. and provide a weapons list. this right now shud be locked, its just an awful post
Hey, I can see you're having a few problems embeding some pictures in your map post. For mine, I used Haloscreenshots.net which made things REALLY easy to embed your screenshots directly without having to upload them to a website such as photobucket. You can find out how to use it HERE. Or I can see that you've posted links to photobucket image so maybe this tutorial by xX5w33ny70ddXx would be more suitable for you: Embed screenshots with photobucket. Also, you need to include a link for your map variant which you can find on bungie.net so that people can actually download your map. This has to be a link to the map on the bungie forums instead of your fileshare. I hope this helps, if you have any more questions feel free to just ask Looking forward to seeing what your map is like + your post improve
this helped alot thank you for your time and concern,but i have one more problem and thats my pics come out to small how do i enlarge them??? also im not sure how to get my map link???do i need to have a bungie.net account???
no problem Are these pictures small when you look at them on your computer or are they made smaller when you upload them onto photobucket? If they're that size on your computer I would recommend either using Haloscreenshots.net or saving the pictures again from bungie.net. A common error is for people to save the thumbnail of the picture and not the actual picture. *EDIT* Yes, you do need a bungie.net account to give a link to your map on the bungie forums. P.S. several people may have a go at you for some double posts on your part in this post. In future try to edit your previous posts with updates.
yea when im on photobucket they look small all the time..how do i save the actual pic and not the thumbnail cause im sure thats wat i did...as you can see im not to good with computers Lol.
Lol. Yea, you do have to save the actual pics instead of the thumbnails. I'd try redownloading the screenshots off bungie.net and then uploading them again to photobucket. To do this click on the thumbnails of the screenshots then a much larger picture shud open up. Click on this picture and it should give you the option to save the screenshot to your computer. For a more detailed version on how to do this use This link by xX5w33ny70ddXx. If you have any more problems just let me know
yes you need a bungie.net account but befor that you must have your map you have created, which is starting to look good btw, and put it in your fileshare. once youve done that then make your bungie.net account after that goto your fileshare on bungie.net click on your map and copy and past that link into this thread. for bigger pictures you need to goto haloscreenshots.net and click twice on the picture you wish to use the right click on it an click copy image location. after you have done that return to your post and then click on the button that looks lick a mountain( its the insert picture box) once you do this paste the imageloction into the bar provided and your pictures should be bigger. i hope this helps. sry didnt notice the he had explained it already needed to updatepage
this is wat i do...i go to bungie.net i type my gt in...i go to my file share nd i right click my pic save image as then some other screen pops up it say somthin like gfytytviThumbnail i save it go to photobucket upload the pic nd then take the link nd put it on forge hub
Do you left click on the thumbnail of the image to open the screenshot and then right click and save that larger picture?
Yea. Btw, if you have given up on photobucket now (can't blame you lol). Then I'd recommend using Haloscreenshots.net. I've found your pictures for you: HERE. All you have to do is copy the text under "BB Code (High Impact Halo | Forge Hub)" for each image and paste it into your post. And hey-presto! Really easy embeded picture!
ok im almost there now all i need to do is get my link for my map...also i dont have a bungie account so include that in the steps
Hey nice to see you got the images working. Your post looks MUCH better now To make a bungie account go onto Welcome to Bungie.net : Step 6 Complete and click on "sign up now!" in the top right corner of the page. Follow the steps onscreen and soon you'll have a bungie account. Click on Halo 3 under your name once registered and you should go to your info page. On the left of the page click on "File Share" and then open up your map variant. Copy the link for the map forum on bungie.net, not your fileshare. Hope this helps improve your post to the quality of your map (pics look very nice)
ok i made an acoount and i clicked halo3 but i dont see my fileshare do i need to link my gamertag to this profile ...nd thats a lot for helpin me i was about to give up..i realy want to try to get this right thought because i do have alot to offer to the forge hub community that i think people will like
Wow, this is a beautiful, well designed map. 10/10. It would be a definite download, but I don't have mythic yet. Oh well, keep forging; you obviously have a great talent!
yes you do need to have a Bungie account. The reason you have such small pictures is because you have to click the small pictures at the recent screen shots page and then they will be larger. Most of these posts were not helpful and I hope this helps. In my sig their is a way to post screen shots in a different way that is much easier. It is under the pictures in my sig. Chow! Sorry, I disn't see that their were more posts on the next page. I don't know how to delete a post so sorry if this is spam. edit2-The map does look very good. I like the layout and it does deserve a download. For the final time, Chow!
Hey again, your gamertag should automatically have been linked to your bungie.net account. Make sure that you are using the same e-mail for both of them though, otherwise I don't think you can link them. Do all your details appear correctly on your bungie page (i.e. name, rank, etc.)?