is this an april fools joke why does the forge discussion lead to pro forge which hasnt had activity for a month i needed to find something in there same thing with about half the other forums to
I have no ****ing idea. All I know is when I tried to refresh a page, I got this; And when I looked at the URL it said; "I ****ING KNOW IT'S FUNNY" Off-topic, G&F, and plenty of others lead to proforge.
this is a terrible april fools joke. At least do something that people won't notice is a April Fools joke right away... Also, the -s in the posts and thread part are a give away those threads don't work...
lol...? i think this is pretty win... dunno whos doin it, maybe shock?, lol... prob not, but the maps forum was off for a while there tho
yea i only noticed forge discussion at first cause i was trying to find something there and frag man i havnt foun the love glove yet but this is very ucking annoying
*sigh*... The story of pro forge... well here goes... (if I am thinking of a different site, please tell me) You see way back, when we were still in wordpress i believe, there was this guy who made a map called "the bungienator". This map was a retarded robot made on standoff. He thought it was gold. We knew it was ****. He got pissed off and left with the threat of he would make a better site. Well he did make a site, and it was for awhile the punchline of many a joke here. The fact that it sucks ass is the best part. So basically yeah thats about it I think.
Wait. When they moved the OT, doesn't it undo all the threads? What about the 1,000,000 post countdown?
Long confusing technical story short, no. The OT files are backed up somewheres. I'm guessing shock has it on his computer.
A better explanation that is not long and technical or short and plain. They most likely backed up the files someplace else.