Hey guys whats up, ive never really posted in the General Chat forum but i was just wondering if anyone could make me a cool sig for online stuff. If there are any pro photoshop users that can help me out, i would prefer a recon character holding a sniper or something with some sort of cool effect in the background and my GT which is xI eLuSiv Ix If anyone can make me one and just send me a message on here or send me a PM, that would be awesome and i would greatly appreciate it.. Thanks so much! PS: Check out my FileShare and download some of my screenshots. You might find a few you like!! Thanks. -eLuSiv
you see the light where he is looking, like, the light that is shining off from his helmet? it would be cool if one were to put my gamertag like right in that trail of light, as if it were discovered.. That would be cool. GT: xI eLuSiv Ix
Wow, so you post in every shop, then I tell you I wouldn't do it cause you posted it in every shop, then you remove all your posts except for in mine and then you post this. Or did this come first....
this was way before.. Im seriously like brand new to G&A, i dont know how to make anything close to a good sig, and i didnt know what to do.. But i deleted all my stuff off of the other sig shops, and i just forgot to delete this one.. But i guarentee you this came first. I would greatly appreciate it if you made me a sig dude. Please help me out, ive seen the stuff you make. Thanks. Let me know if you'll help me out.