mg:FOR TOO LONG!mg: For too long we Elites have been put down we have been treated like we didnt matter. WELL NOW THAT MUST CHANGE! It's Time for a revolution. If you are an Elite stand up for yoursef, fight against the spartans be proud to be an Elite!!! If you are a Spartan become one of us JOIN THE FIGHT! If you are an Elite or you would like to become one JOIN OUR REBELLION :happy:The Elite Rebellion:happy: We Currently have 25 members and more each day. We are a proud organiztion and we accept all Elites! We are fighting against the Spartan Empire to make it fair for Elites like us! How to Join in 3 Easy Steps: 1. Notify me that you wish to join 2.Change your eblem to resemble the one shown in my profile picture (but in your own colors) 3. KICK SOME SPARTAN A$$ :lol: I will be posting updates about the rebellion every now and then. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME
I played an elite for a very long time, and I agree with Radiant. The thread deserves an epic facepalm.
Exactly what I've been thinking for the past couple hours... Yesterday, GC was nice and quiet... And now this shitstorm..
Without OT, there's no place for needless spam to rest. It will overflow GC and eventually wreck the entire site.