Death Labrynth V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Shadow393939, Mar 31, 2009.

  1. Shadow393939

    Shadow393939 Ancient
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    This is the same-ish as the last one, i fixed it so that you cannot escape the map, and i extended as much as i could on one of the 3 exits, i also tried to make it so that if you choose the wrong way you WILL die...

    So this is a maze infection map, testing your problems solving skills, First obstacle is 3 teleporters, 1 leads to death 1 leads to a re-do and the final one leads to the rest of the maze

    Second obstacle is a suicide dumpster followed by a pit of sacrafice, this obstacle is self explanatory

    Third obstacle is an empty room with a door...

    Fourth obstacle is a hallway, but there is a fusion coil spawn at every __ seconds

    Fifth obstacle is a room with 3 possible ways, 1 leads to an empty hallway, but if you try hard enough you can escape the map, 1 leads to a room with a flame thrower, and the final one leads to a room with a teleporter, which leads to the first teleporter room

    This is meant to be played on with "labrynthzombies", it also works with fat kid, but make sure the zombies can use vehicles, cause if they can't it will be a boring 5 minutes

    Picture time:
    Teleporter Obstacle

    Pit of sacrafice obstacle

    i wonder where this leads....

    Death Labrynth V2

    Download, Rate, And Enjoy
  2. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    so the third pic is pretty obvious. you might want to clean that up a bit. it looks alright but i dont really see any difference from any of the other puzzle maps. sorry if that sounds harsh. but i was thinking and maybe you could set up the teleporters at the beginning to be random? just so the person wouldn't ever know which one is right.
  3. Gremlins

    Gremlins Ancient
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    Like lefty said, it does kind of seem like lots of other puzzle maps. Maybe you should add more pictures of the other obstacles. You might want to clean up the door because you can see the teleporter, which gives it away. Anyways, the map seems like it could be pretty fun :)
    Sorry if i sounded harsh D:
  4. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    On the pit of sacrifice, what do you do,jump off the sides railings
  5. xNx21x

    xNx21x Ancient
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    i really like the part with the arrows and door looks really cool :)
  6. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    i need more pics to judge. unless this is the whole map. then you should extend it.

    and the "i wonder where this leads" pic, the teleporter is blatantly obvious. you should move it back some.
  7. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    um this map is alright.

    first off fix up the door teleport heres a nice tutorial on how to make easy tele doors as id like to call them

    anyhow if you get that fixed and think up some new puzzles then id say youd have a pretty good map
  8. Shadow393939

    Shadow393939 Ancient
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    well if you are lazy, just jump off of a friends head, thus sacrificing them, or you can try to grenade jump...and i am going to add some action screenshots today if my friends get on, and as for the door, i'll work on that and update it....

    (goes online)....

    fixed it

    Death Labrynth V3
    #8 Shadow393939, Apr 1, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2009

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