I just got finished a new map, and I was planning for it to made for neutral assault. When I went to play it, my friends all got mad, and when the game started, most of them quit. I don't understand some people who refuse to play anything but slayer. It seems that assault, juggernaut, and territories are all very unpopular (Am I missing any?), and I don't understand why. Tell me if I am not the only one who likes these gametypes.
best gametypes are usually Assaults and CTF's personally...maybe thats just cuz im a competitive/objective kinda guy but i just like them. alot. im not that keen on oddball, juggernaught, and such, but some games are cool...
Your friends are jerks then. I personally am a Team Game player. I'll play anything as long as I have a team. The gametypes I do hate though are Infection and Mosh Pit. It's repetitive and boring.
I really only enjoy slayer and the occasional CTF. I can stomach any game type if I have to. Assault is actually lower on the list of game types I enjoy. I wouldn't quit though. Those guys were just being jerks.
Well all I can say is your friends were being jackasses in quiting before even playing the game type I actually like Neutral Assault.
Infection and Juggernaut are not really fun for me because of balance issues. And I love Territories. I even made a map specifically for it. But a similar thing happened to me: people said they just don't like Territories. Territories and KotH are fun because they use the geometry and the layout of the map to add another dynamic to the game. It's like Slayer, but Slayer in specific "hot spots" of the map. And I'm not sure this belongs in Forge Discussion. Halo Discussion maybe? Ahh, whatever.
I don't play to much on Xbox live any more. im more of a LAN guy and when the friends do come down (usually every sat) we play them all it's like a buffet of carnage KOTH is my favorite
yup, i hate it when you finally get a territories map and some idiots shout veto only to get a normal slayer game yet again. Personally, territories is v sex and I love playin variations of it on raid the beach or high ground
To me, gametypes are good depending on its setup on the map. The gametype itself does not suck but the map may.
All my real life friends play COD4 all the time so im stuck with constantly playing infection and its varients with my friends i meet on XBL.
I'll join any custom game i can and i dont really care about the gametype. except for those stupid infection games were the zombie die in 1 shot. GT: Comrade172
Assault is good if it needs tactics to win. Out-thinking your opponent with strategery is really exciting IMO. The inky Juggernaut I play is 2 random weapons, juggernaut really hard to kill, but kinda slow, juggernaut infinite ammo. Really brings out the teamwork.
I really like all the game types in Halo except Territories and King of the Hill. Those just get really boring so I just kill the whole game unless I'm on a team.
On a side note, one of my least favorite things in Halo is KOTH when you are on your own. I always just get shot at from behind before I even get to the hill.
I think that most people dont like these games cause if you dont have a good team then the games can get very fustrating very quickly