[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fh8hPH7BRME[/youtube] Although it doesn't really look it, this map is great for 3v3 and 4v4 Team Slayer games. I have played many custom games on the map and it has proven to be an explosion that will make you want to play it again and again. -It contains many familiar structures from other current Halo maps, mainly the duel Mancannon found on narrows, which create many strategies for the map -Spawns are delicately placed around the map to prevent spawn killing because of the size of the map -Fun all the time for any level/ranked Halo player You can download it here: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=18567896
Re: Resentment-T.S.- Vid looks good, but it seems like there are a lot of power weapons on it, i think i saw mauler, shotty, sword, rockets, beam rifle, sniper, invis, oversheild. idk it might just be me who knows
Re: Resentment-T.S.- Vid The video is a nice touch in your post. You should make your thread title strictly "Resentment" though. Looks like fun!
Re: Resentment-T.S.- Vid Yeah, i did over-use power weapons by including a sniper, mauler, shotty, and a rocket launcher, but they have certain ammo and respawn times - For strict competitive play i suggest no radar w/ only rifles on map I put that many on mainly b/c of halo players who arnt very good that may want to play it, thanks for the criticism for it can improve my map
Re: Resentment-T.S.- Vid Thats alot of power weapons, all you have to do is get the sniper and rocket and you can dominate. It looks really cool other than that.
Re: Resentment-T.S.- Vid Don't start off with the overbearing modesty, lol. It actually looks a lot like A different level, which is a favorite here for straight-up slayer. This may be worth a DL today. You should post some stationary pics, though. I can't tell much about the quality/detail from the video. I cannot dominate at all with that combination. And power weapons are what makes Halo Halo.
Re: Resentment-T.S.- Vid Looks like you put a lot of effort and time into this map and it payed off for sure...see you around
Sorry, but cant post images b/c i dont really know how to, lol- but if you go and look at my file share u can see them(but no one will do that anyway)
Re: Resentment-T.S.- Vid Battle Rifle is what makes Halo Halo. I think you could probably do without some of the power weapons also. I wish you had some pics too, because movies just don't have the quality to show the fine details of how the map is built. Needless to say.. I didn't pay it much attention. **thumbs up!**
Again, i cant figure out how to put the pics up, and for a strictly competitive game play w/ only rifles on the map...lol
OK.. Here is a step by step guide to posting pics. 1. Take some pics. 2. Download them from the Hi-res. Screenshots tab in your Bungie.net profile to your PC. 3. Create an account at a photo sharing site such as Photobucket.com or Imageshack.com and upload them to the site. 4. Use the 'Direct Link' from that site and put it into this code here on your thread. Code: [img]'Direct Link'[/img] 5. Breathe easy.. you have just embedded pics. Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
I finally uploaded some pics for a better view of the map, and although it is not flashy like many other maps, this map is a blast to play slayer/ team slayer on- so go download it ASAP, thnks...
Yeah, I downloaded and played Resentment-This map seemed very well made(except for some minor details) and is was fun to play Team Slayer on with my friends... clearly a 5/5 star map I highly recommend a download and play on this map, and although there are many power weapons- i just turned 'No Power Weapons' on when i played competitively in a clan match