Sandbox Locked Out v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gunnergrunt, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Locked Out v2
    "A tasteful remake of the savory map, Lockout. Banshee, laser, and bubble removed. Shotgun and elbow sealed. Mancannon added. 2-6"

    By Gunnergrunt

    The long awaited v2 has arrived! No longer will you cower under the watchful eye of the banshee. No more will you flee to the lower levels of the map. All previous comments and suggestions have been considered and tested. Improvements have been made. Locked Out v2 will satisfy your Grunty thirst! The v2 features:

    -The banshee has been removed from the map
    -The spartan laser has been removed
    -The bubble shield has also been removed
    -The shotgun hole has been sealed
    -The opening to the elbow has sealed as well
    -A needler has been added in place of the laser
    -A new roof has been added to the library
    -SMG and BR spawns adjusted
    -A mancannon has taken the place of the banshee
    -Fixed gametypes

    I have used every single item possible to create the v2. If you further suggestions or complaints, be aware that original items would have to be deleted before improvements could be made. Thank you.

    If you forgot what was in the original map, click here to view Locked Out

    New Gameplay!
    Without the banshee, the gameplay on Locked Out v2 is perfect. All my testers agree that "it feels like the old Lockout." This map makes for some great competitive games such as FFA slayer, and double team. With the addition of the mancannon, players can launch themselves to top middle, sniper tower, or the entrance to BR tower, depending on the direction they choose to be launched. This feature provides a great starting location for neutral objective points such as Oddball, or Neutral bomb.

    The entire map flows much better without the banshee. The mancannon provides a constant circulation. It can also turn the tide of any battle. If you are being pursued from bottom middle by the pesky sword man, just grab the BR, jump in the mancannon, and aim for the head! AZN FTW suggested that I try and recreated the sound produced by the lift tower in Lockout. And the mancannon does just that. It alerts enemies every time the mancannon is used. Attention turns to the player in the mancannon, just like old times.

    Overall, this is an accurate remake of Lockout (excluding the cannon platform).
    Oh why thank you Titmar! (My final tester.)

    And a big thanks to all my other tester! (l33tmeerkatslol especially, Xforgery members for their advice, ROFL ninja for pretty much living on my thread, and the many more who helped make this map what it is!) If you would like to join me for some games on this map, feel free to send a PM!

    New Pictures!

    Overview 1 (note the sealed elbow opening)

    Overview 2

    Overview 3 (note the new roof job on the Library. Non-breakable now!)

    Overview 4

    Mancannon Platform (NO MORE BANSHEE!)

    And again!

    New SMG and BR spawn (also neutral objective location)

    Mancannon will launch to top-middle, front of BR tower, or Sniper tower

    No more deceiving Shotgun Hole!

    This deserves another picture!

    Sleek new roof to Library

    Bottom of BR tower (no more laser, just another needler)

    Mancannon in action!

    [link to original Forgehub thread for more information]

    #1 Gunnergrunt, Apr 1, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2009
  2. WREX

    WREX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is cool, but i still wish there was some kind of room or structure where the man cannons are, and even a short path to s1. :( but you did do a good job. 4.5/5
  3. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    Hey I have never played it because I don't have the maps, but from looking at it, i can tell that it would be great for 2v2 and possibly 3v3 but it needs something where the man cannons are, it is kind of open and it might look better if there was an object or something there
  4. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    I don't know what's better, the first Locked Out or the v2, I kind of like the man-cannon lift thing that throws you back to the main platform of the base. BUT I think that may begin to affect gameplay because players start relying on the platform with the man-cannon to get them up to that section of the map, which starts making that one section of the map a hot spot, and that one spot does not include the best spot for gameplay. What I mean is, people start clumping on the platform leading to the mancannon, and im sorry, but that section of the map is not the most well forged part of the map, because the rest of the map is gorgeus, and overall, starts habits in the gameplay. i'm glad that the shotgun hole problem is gone, but i'm still not sure which version is better. The reason why this post is starting to sound more critical than when I posted on the original Locked Out map thread is because it seems like you are starting to add more features into the map that affect and change the gameplay, so that the locked out map seems to become more of an original map.

    my rating is still 5/5, excellent forging gunner.
    #4 R0FLninja, Apr 1, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2009
  5. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    This looks incredible. Great forging and accurately modeled after Lockout. I think that even though you can't make the lift room due to the budget, you should at least provide a little more cover there. I can't wait to get a game on this. This map, and Lockout, Blackout, and, well, any Bungie made map in the sky, shows forgers what is wrong with their competitive maps in the sky bubble. You need barriers to stop you from just walking off the edge. No one wants to slip off the side while having a BR battle, or accidently fall while doing anything else. This looks fantastic, though. I'll let you know more after at least doing a forgethrough.
  6. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    yeah, thats the great thing about the map though, gunner put barriers on the side of all the walkways, just like blackout or lockout.

    oh, ya, Gunner I nearly forgot, i was going to ask you if you think that the gloomy effect might work well with the map. maybe it would make it seem a little bit more night-timish, like blackout.

    a little off-topic, congrats on Cherry kiss shaddo, i checked it out and it was amazing.
    #6 R0FLninja, Apr 1, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2009
  7. SM3JAY

    SM3JAY Ancient
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    Great job on the map gunnergrunt!!!! I agree with whoever said it though, there needs to be some cover or at least a structure where the mancannon is located. Because I am sure you are well aware of the structure that is ther on lockout. Other than that everything else looks amazing!!! But still awesome map!!!!!!
    #7 SM3JAY, Apr 1, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2009
  8. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    lol, this is not my map, this is gunners. i wish it was my map ;)
  9. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Wow, this looks like a slightly shrunk down version of Lockout. However, it is not without faults. The mancannon looks really bad. It looks bland, and it really doesn't do much for the aesthetics. You could at least add a small structure around it. But that's actually it. The rest looks amazing. An amazing remake of an amazing map. 9/10. But do something about that man cannon!
  10. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    i know, he said it takes you to the place below the BR or the sniper tower. plaus it looks kinda ugly, and with the absense of the banshee, the "take cover!" concept disapears, as well as the fun moments when your trying to stall the banshee with the plasma pistol.
  11. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    I really like the changes you made, gunner. I think sealing the elbow and shotgun holes really pulls the whole map together, and the man cannon platform is a good solution to the no-more-budget problem. I'll be sure to get some games here this weekend if I can find the time. Great job
  12. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    Even though the banshee is kind of fun, it allowed gunner to take out some weapons that, when the banshee was not being used, affected gameplay.

    gunner, i will see if i can mange to join one of your locked out games soon.
  13. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Well, my problem is that it just looks really bland and unattractive. It could have some side scenery, or at least a little cover. You really don't gain anything from going out there.
  14. LIGHTSOUT225

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    Yeh, Id agree with that as well. Perhaps a more powerful weapon, like the Shotgun/Mauler or a no-clip Rocket Launcher. Some more incentive than just BR, on a map that most people will likely be playing with BRs already. A low-clip Mauler and a couple plasmas could be pretty nice. I think that'd be my choice, but testing could dictate otherwise.
  15. Royal Bloodbath

    Royal Bloodbath Ancient
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    did you not make the lift building for a resone like out of monye our room but every thing eles is soooo good that i just cant stop playing on it
  16. TeapotKing

    TeapotKing Ancient
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    where's the airlift room from the original!? did you hit the item/budget limit or what? also mancannon platform = FAIL! 3/5
  17. M1:K3

    M1:K3 Ancient
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    DUDE WHY WAITS UR TIME??? thats why theres a map called blackout, im not trying to be mean man (im srry i sound it): but i was talking w/ my friends on how funny if someone would make a black out/lock out remake on sandbox and how silly it would be if you already have the map (you know?) yeah i just had to say it...
  18. doomgrunt

    doomgrunt Ancient
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    This is in the description.

    Not Reading Description = FAIL!

    The original Lockout was, and still is, magical. Blackout lacked that magic. Locked Out and Locked Out V2 do what Blackout could not, revive the magic.

    Time for rating the map. I liked version 1 better. However, this map is still very good.
    V1 = 5/5
    V2 = 4.9/5
    #18 doomgrunt, Apr 1, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2009
  19. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    That actually looks very accurate! It's just a small bit condensed, but other than that, great!
    It's too bad you don't have any items left to built the grav lift room. If you, I would go down to sandbox and pick up and trashed items laying on the ground and see what you can do. If theres still none, I would consider deleting spawn point or a few weapons here and there to make room for it, because that's the only thing this map is missing.
    Great job on the remake, once again.
  20. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    yah this looks pretty small compared to the orig. but hey its all about the game play isnt it?
    from the looks of it this map looks like a good remake. not perfect but good.
    i think you should've spaced it out a little more and added some more cover.. at least in the area my the mancannon...

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