Well, i just beet RE5 on professional by myself, and i have to say, it was extremely challenging. What's your most challenging game of all time?
Yeah, although i have never played them, i have heard [and seen] that the old school games for the NEs were almost impossible.
I would say Call of Duty 2 on veteran. You pretty much have to memorize the spawn points of every enemy to get anywhere. I still haven't beaten it.
CoD 4 on veteran. It took me like a whole week to do it, and like the post about CoD 2, you must know where every enemy is by dying over and over again.
Go rent King of Kong, and smack yourself for that retard statement. Games today are too easy on any diffculty.
Well when I first played Mario 64, I thought it was impossible. I was 5. Beat it when I was 6 or 7. After that I moved onto Sonic games. Sonic Adventure Battle 2 was challenging for me but I beat it. The hardest game of all time for me though. Dom has it right. Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask. 100%
Yes, I agree with that guy above me, COD 4 on veteran, it is so hard, and also Grand theft auto 4, its not really hard it just takes a long time to beat
I'd have to Banjoo and Kazooie. Now, it may seem relatively simple back in the time for some of you guys, but at the time I was 8, and basically revealed the world of video games for me. I remember playing parts that I could comprehend, and asking my Dad to complete the parts in which I didn't (When in all honestly, he didn't even know what the **** he was doing). But in all honestly, I look at it the complexity over the difficulty now. It was extremely revealing, but in a slow process. It combined puzzles, adventure, and mini-games to create a compilation of win. I yearn to play the game today, but can't find my old Nintendo 64. So yes, I would have to grant Banjoo and Kazooie as the Hardest Game for my lifetime.
I'll have to say Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask. At the time when I picked it up I was young, so basically I found the game deadfully confusing. Honestly when I was little I couldn't even beat the first level, I would end up making it to the swamp or something. I also didn't like how you only had the 3 days to live or whatever, at the time I didn't know you could reset to the first day by using the ocarina. If I was to play the game again now I may be able to get farther into it. Hopefully it will be released for Wii VC soon because I lost my copy for N64.