Blue Matter Julian

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by EliteSniper177, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. EliteSniper177

    EliteSniper177 Ancient
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    This is my first Julian style fractal, for those of you who don't know what a fractal is, it is simply an image created with a program which uses chaos theory in the rendering process. It is a very cool style, and pretty easy to get a start with. This particular fractal was made using apophysis. and its title is inspired by its collapsing nature. Please enjoy, C&C appreciated:

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  2. emo asian girl

    emo asian girl Ancient
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    :O? tell me more about that it sounds interesting
  3. EliteSniper177

    EliteSniper177 Ancient
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    ok, its a pretty cool way of thinking about art. So pretty much using programs like apophysis you can create and edit what are known as fractals or flames. The fractals are composed of many chaos theory equations, and adjusting the parameters that go into each fractal will yield many different results. And there are many equations that can be used, from linear, to swirl, horse shoe, Julian, and even fish eye. Apophysis uses triangles to edit the fractals, to take it from a bunch of mixed up lines, and pull it out into art. This isn't always easy though, some fractals can take a while to make, and even then there may be some thing that makes you discard it and start over. The program is freeware, so its easy to get. I would try out the software, it can be addicting at times. You can find it at download the newest beta and you should be on your way :)
  4. emo asian girl

    emo asian girl Ancient
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    ok i am downloading it but what is chaos theory
  5. EliteSniper177

    EliteSniper177 Ancient
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    o, simply put, it is the order behind disorder. its like why the dice roll different numbers most of the time, and not roll the same thing all of the time. the ones in this program re based on a 2D/3D grid, so the equations take the image, and taking a similar method, such as Julian (symbolized the actual motion of throwing the dice) and the values, tweaks, and rotations you add in (symbolized by the variables that took into effect while throwing them, wind resistance, initial position, speed, etc.). I hope what I'm saying makes sense, I find it a little difficult to explain, but thats all I can think of to describe it.
  6. emo asian girl

    emo asian girl Ancient
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    D: its ok u dont have to explain it
  7. opothehippo

    opothehippo Ancient
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    Wow thats amazing, it makes me want teh fancy Aphdurka program.

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