K Just Made My First Sig, ( Just Started today, no knowledge of gimp or nuthin) Tell Me What You Think v2
Pretty nice for your first. I like v1, v2 looks a little too blurred. I would maybe make the render a little bit bigger though, just my opinion. And I recognize that render from planet renders.
: D yeah, k, i just downloaded gimp after school and kinda learned the basics like, an hour ago, so i threw that up quick EDIT: give me a simple pic, ill try to make one quick ( not black and white )
http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x315/BTHR_Zero_X/Halo%203%20Easter%20Eggs/Other/SecurityHelmetMatathonLogo.jpg There ya go
Way..Way.. Above Average for a first sig. If you would see other member's first sig you would puke.This is very nice, there is still much room for improvement, but you got the basics down and Im proud of that. Nice job
My first sig. Your quality is alottt better And I messed up on rendering the character a bit. + I saw a tut on youtube.
All done. my main focus was the center of the render, so i smudged out everything else, making the helmet there, but not there. Another thing i cooked up this morning was this: