The basic idea is: -Each team has a Commander. -The Commander can buy upgrades for his team. -This Commander is the VIP. -The goal is to kill the other teams Commander. How the will work: The Commander (VIP) uses his health bar like a budget. Switches will be used for buying items. Whenever a switch is grabbed an object like a warthog is dropped into the battlefield and a fusion coil is shot at the Commander. The Commander stays in a room with a protective view of the entire map. In order for a team to kill a VIP they have to get far into the enemy base and activate a switch which will unblock a teleporter causing the VIP to be teleported to the battlefield. VIP death will cause the game (or round, undecided as of yet) to end. Maps would have to be fairly specifically designed for this. The Commander's area would take up a rather large amount of room with all these switches (approx. 4-6 each). The rest of the map would be a usual competitive type map with room for vehicles. I have yet to decide a name ("Commander" maybe?) or have decided whether I have the patience to make a map with so many switches (I have very little switch experience) yet.
This sounds awesome. I think that the amount of switches might be a little overwhelming at first to the people that will play the map, but if they get the hang of it, this may turn out to be one great game. Keep this thread updated! I wanna know about the development of this gametype.
Trying to make the switches evident to their purpose will definitely be a challenging goal. My idea is to have a window near the switch that you would be able to look through and see the item that you would be giving to your team. Ex: A wall with a custom power-up in it and a window right beside it, looking through the window a warthog is on display, once the custom power-up is grabbed a warthog drops onto the battlefield.
This would be a really great map. But I'm fairly sure this is going to work off of min/max switches. I have an extra idea though. Make a mancannon spawn at start no, 10 seconds. Have a warthog next to it. Have a custom powerup holding a barrel spawn. Then, when they pick it up, the barrel creates a bump launching the warthog over onto the other base. That would be good aesthetics, and wouldn't use up much items.
Sounds like a great idea if done right. But the thing is, VIP is selected after the spawning phase, so the VIP can't be set to spawn separately from his team. You're going to have to use a teleporter or mongoose behind a wall (VIP only can drive) to take the vip into the box .
I think a kill box would work well to select the VIP. Everyone would start in sealed off rooms in which fusion coils would rain down at the start, but never respawn, to kill all except the VIP, a mongoose or a teleporter, or even just a doorway, would allow him into his command box, while everyone else respawns in the main area of the map. As for the perks-release switches, I would go with a variant of A hobo's scenery trap idea for most if not all of the perks. That would probably use the least resources and would be simplest. Good luck executing this great idea well. Keep me updated.