FLY AND RIDE BE! SANDTRAP ELEPHANT RIDE EDIT: THERE IS ALSO A COM TOWER THAT YOU CAN SHOOT AT> IT IS ALSO WHERE THE ZOMBIES SPAWN. DOWNLOAD LINK---> Community Map Variants : Replies This is a map I made where you fly around sandtrap. What sets this map apart from the MAMMOTH is it does not get stuck at the top of the map often. YOU CAN NOT DRIVE IT. That still does not mean this is my best mess around map that I have made. I hope you like it and ENJOY! ABOUT THE MAP This map is mostly for aesthetics, but can be played with on infection. I dont have an infection gametype but the infected characteristics are simple- make the zombies have swords, run fast, jump high, and have low health. This map is very fun to fly around in. In some cases my friends and I have flown in the air fo more than an HOUR! Also, you can get some cool crash seens as you will see from my pics. STORY (sort of) As new technology improves UNSC scientist have rigged an elephant with boosters to make it fly. You have been asigned to test run it over an abandond sand relic. Oh, and watch out for zombies! INFO When the elephant does crash you can "restart" the elephant. It may take a while to get good at but you can get it up in the air again. If you cant a mongoose will help you escape the recked ship. To "restart" it again you must clear the space where the grav lift spawns. Then try to destroy the grav lifts at around the same time. When the mechanism spawns again you should be thrust into the sky again. =) PICS!!!!! First off, this is what it looks like when you take off. [/URL] This is the mechanism. The weapon drop pods are pushed up by the grav lifts. Thus pushing the elephant up with them. [/URL] When you are in the air the armory is the best place to be. The view is great and you get a **** load of weapons. [/URL] To protect the armory, deploy the shields! (I wont tell you were they are so you will have to find out) [/URL] This is were the mongoose spawns. To "unlock" it puch the crates out of the ship. If you are in the air they should pop up out of the ship and drop to the ground below. If you are on the ground just push them away. [/URL] When you get out this is what it looks like. =)* [/URL] From the ground you can see how high this thing gets up. [/URL] "This is your captain speeking. We are about to land please bunckle your setbelts." THE MAKER/DESIGNER [/URL] These are some of the cool screens you can get when you crash. (Its really fun when you crash. BTW when you hit the ground dont flip the elephant if you are not in infection. You get an awesome crash site!) [/URL] [/URL] "THIS IS SPARTA!" [/URL] BLOWN ENGINE! That will leave a mark! (My friend acually shot the grav lift throu the ship and it crashed!) [/URL] DOWNLOAD LINK----> Community Map Variants : Replies Thanks For Downloading (if you did)
Looks like you spent some time on this. I decided that you are right. this is just aesthetic with the flying around. The only other thing is that for this to be a zombie map it would be put in casual. looks fun though. Why did you put it under "HEROIC" this is a pre-DCL
OH. BY THE WAY THIS FLYS AROUND SANDTRAP! IF you download it you will see it is very cool snd fun. There is a zombies base tower but I didnt take any pics of it. They have gauss turrets to take the ship down. I couldnt make it drivable because they get stuck in the air on the top of the map too much.
Yea, I have never seen the elephant float like that. But yea, this map should have a little bit more to it though, it is just a little to empty, try and add another really kool aspect to it so that it really stands out
I accidently thought it was on standoff when I posted it SRRY! but I cant fix it now. Also please download, you cant really rate this map if you dont play it.
Hey its me D4RK, this map is insanely fun. I thought it was the coolest thing ever how you got it to fly like that. thanks for letting me see it before you put it on forgehub. The spartan laser thing was highlarous when it happend because if you go back to the film it was a perfect shot on the grav lift. This map is a 4.7/5 in may book. The only reason is that the map is just for messing around. I know that it isn't ment to be competitive but that is just my mentality towords maps. If anybody is reading this you SHOULD DEFINATELY DOWNLOAD THIS AWESOME MAP. Ill be expecting great things from you as you all should.
this is pretty clever. ive never seen an elephant that can fly for longer than like a minute. but yea if you added some more things to the map you could probably make this a legit infection map.
I really like the whole concept of your map. You might want to take some screenshots of that zombie base tower. Other than that, i really think i'm going to have to give this a download. (gotta clear some maps so i can dl this). You put some real thought into this and that's what's most important in a map. Good work 4/5 till i play this and see how awesome it is
sorry to ruin it all but this is so old and already done there is nothing special to this map because it already exists for like a year
(I hope this doesn't count as spam) You say you cant fly it and I remember playing a map where you can, does anyone know where I can find that map.
You guys are all saying that I need to make it flyable or make new things. Look, the map is NOT SOPPOSED to be driven. It is very fun without being able to fly it. Infact it is acually more fun because you dont have to focus on driving and can just fly. I really hoped you guys would have given this a chance.
I totally second this point. With the elephant, it is often more fun to be a passenger than the driver, and this thing is on autopilot. I also find that it is slightly flyable anyway, by shifting your position or ditching some of the ballast you can get it to change direction and speed up - or at least not crash. Although crashing is half the fun.
It actually works!!! I played this for like an hour! This is amazing! Wow nice find! 5/5 (but not for gameplay, just for aesthetics)
you should make a zombies variant where they get lazers and rockets, but there are an extra 2 gravlifts+droppods in the elephant. and then give the zombies a few banshees and machinegun hogs. epic win game right there. also if you made both elephants fly, you could even make a assault variant. one thing you might try is to make a few shield doors around the engine so a stray grenade will not destroy it.
There is already a map called "The Mammoth" that Halo 3 Forges did and you can control it. This has been done A lot of times before, im sorry to say.
Autopilot you say? I'm gonna test this map out. I've always been struggling to keep the elephant flying, with the controllable one. I'm excited too see how long this one can stay up for. So I give it a temporarily 3.5/5