Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheBlueHaze, Mar 31, 2009.
Anybody willing to work with it? I can't think of anything else to do. Thanks =D
Add any kind of effect at all?
Never, ever distort the stock make sure you have the scale window set to
Do whatever you want to it.
Ment to reply to RightSide, you got any ideas for the sig? I don't really like it so far.
You want us to take your signature and work on it? Lol. No.
Rememer that?
Start over and don't distort the stock, effects, tutorials...
Yeah, I want to see what other siggers would do to the image. Because I ran out of ideas xD
Alright. =]
By the way, how will i resize the sig to the size i want it after that?
do you use paint? i just started gimp today, and i got better ideas than that, lmfao
Shut up =P I use GIMP, but I've only been making sigs for 2 days.
Click ok....Or just make a new document, resize the stock and paste it into the blank document...
Siggies arn't my thing?
I've made way better ones. check the shop
edit your post don't double post please...