Your face is the downfall of nations. Ooh **** got you man. Just kidding. Twilight is stupid and absolutely idiotic in my mind. thnxbai
We will build our armada to destroy all the Twatlight books, movies, and other miscellaneous sparkle sparkle sex toys... ... ... *cough* ATTACK!
Twilight phailz. Storyline: 100-year-old pedophile vampire tries to have sex with 16-year-old girl. The end.
nope. she wants to have sex with him, he says no. know the object of debate next time before you make an arguement.
there was never a south park of twilight. it was about "vamp" clothing and hot topic. it mentioned twilight once, briefly.
lol'd. Anyways, I wouldn't know. I did not read the books or see the movies. seems like a stupid topic for a movie.
Spam. I never saw the movie. Personally I didn't like any of the books, and I read all of them. I wanted the Werewolf to get the girl. No lie.
Not my school!!!! It's filled with gays!!!! I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't fallen to this surge of friken retardedness!!! Everyone is like, Oh muh GOD!!! I luvz Edward!!!!
Oh mah gawd. Edwurd is soooooooo ****in hawt Mmhmm. Yeah. OH MY GAWD! MAKE IT STOP! One of my Facebook friends got the movie(dude too. *Shudder*) and was bragging about it, and I'm like Dude *** much?
This ****ing fad will only lead to the creation of more emos. Or the undead apocalypse. See, now 95% of the world thinks vampires are "good" and "nice" and not "blood-thirsty animalistic killing machines of death." When vampires DO come everyone will be all over them. And be turned into vampires themselves, leaving us sane people to defend ourselves against hordes of the undead. Fortunately, vampires still die a horrible, fiery death in sunlight. My brother got the book...I think I might burn it. Book burning: just like the good ol' days!
Bad news guise., my mom has just read the entire series and watched the movie at least 3 times and my 11 yr old sister is starting to develop symptoms. I think this is going to be like left 4 dead, only the few immune will make it through... S.O.S.