
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by T4K Shadow, Mar 29, 2009.


What Do you Think of Deserted After playing?

  1. Brilliant map

    6 vote(s)
  2. Good

    2 vote(s)
  3. Okay

    2 vote(s)
  4. Poor

    0 vote(s)
  5. Rubbish

    0 vote(s)
  1. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map: Halo 3 File Details
    Gametype: Halo 3 File Details
    Author: T4K Shadow (Destroyer7793)
    Map built on: Sandbox
    Gametype: Infection
    Players: 2-14


    Before I start I would just like to say a special thank you to for the great canvas with the without the lasers, thanks, my map wouldnt be the same with them!

    Deserted is a Cops and Robbers map varient made by T4K Shadow (Destroyer7793). I first got the idea when I went round my friends house, I took my hardrive to show him all my cool maps I have made on sandbox, but for some reason we couldnt get the maps to appear, and so wondering what to do I suddenly remembered Cops & Robbers, and remembered how fun it could actually be. But because we only had pre-DLC maps to work on we chose Last Resort, after making the map and playing on it I realised that Cops & Robbers could actually be really fun. When I went home I got to work on making Deserted. I wanted it to remind people of Cops & Robbers but with an added twist, instead of just escaping and waiting for the guards to come and kill you knowing you had no way to win, I thought of the idea of survival, and hiding. The result was exactly what I wanted, a fun, re-playable Cops & Robbers map.

    I have added three of the five effects so that the dunes are as dark as possible, making it harder for the guards to find the prisoners once they make it outside the prison.

    Whats Cops & Robbers?

    Cops & Robbers is an infection game where the goal is different to ordinary infection games. Instead of just spawn, find, and kill, Cops & Robbers takes a different approach, the infected (guards) have to try and control the humans (prisoners). Traditionally for the prisoners to win they had to kill the guards, and for the guards to win they would have to kill all the prisoners but they have to follow the rules, the guards can only shoot the prisoners if:

    a) They attempt to kill them or another guard

    b) They are caught trying to escape the prison

    c) They are caught outside the prisons

    d) They don't follow the orders the guards give them

    However my Map adds a little twist, for prisoners to win they have to either kill the guards, which can only be killed by assasination, or escape and survive the time. The easiest way to do this is to escape, and camp out in the dunes. The guards win if they kill all the prisoners before time runs out, but they must follow the rules as above.

    A YouTube video (Pictures and text only, no in-game footage)

    Desert Hiding (Gametype)

    The Gametype "Desert Hiding" was especially made for this map. If you wish to get the mostfun, and playability out of this map then please use the gametype provided. "Desert Hiding" has been tested and complimises the map as much as possible.

    General Settings:
    • Initial Zombies: 2
    • Next zombies: Random
    • Rounds: 3
    • Time Limit: 5 minutes
    • Team Changing: No
    • Friendly Fire: No
    • Betrayel Booting: No
    • Lives per round: 1
    Base Player (Prisoner)


    Shields and Health:

    • Damage Resistance: 100%
    • Shield Multiplier: Normal Shields
    • Shield Recharge Rate: 100%
    • Shield Vampirism: No
    • Immune to Headshots: No
    Weapons and Damage:
    • Damage Multiplier: 100%
    • Primary Weapon: Plasma Pistol
    • Secondary Weapon: None
    • Grenade Count: Unchanged
    • Grenade Regeneration: yes
    • Infinate Ammo: Yes
    • Weapon Pickup: No
    • Player Speed: 100%
    • Player Gravity: 100%
    • Vehicle Use: None
    • Motion Tracker Mode: Off
    • Motion Tracker Range: Unchanged
    • Active Camo: Off
    • Waypoint: Visible to Allies
    • Forced colour: Black
    Infection Settings (Guards)


    Shields and Health:

    • Damage Resistance: Invunerable
    • Shield Multiplier: Unchanged
    • Shield Recharge Rate: Unchanged
    • Shield Vampirism: Unchanged
    • Immune to Headshots: Unchanged
    Weapons and Damage:
    • Damage Multiplier: Unchanged
    • Primary Weapon: Shotgun
    • Secondary Weapon: Magnum
    • Grenade Count: None
    • Grenade Regeneration: yes
    • Infinate Ammo: Yes
    • Weapon Pickup: Yes
    • Player Speed: 100%
    • Player Gravity: 100%
    • Vehicle Use: Full
    • Motion Tracker Mode: Off
    • Motion Tracker Range: Unchanged
    • Active Camo: Unchanged
    • Waypoint: Unchanged
    • Forced colour: Blue
    Last Man Traits (Last Prisoner alive)


    Shields and Health:

    • Damage Resistance: Unchanged
    • Shield Multiplier: Unchanged
    • Shield Recharge Rate: Unchanged
    • Shield Vampirism: Unchanged
    • Immune to Headshots: Unchanged
    Weapons and Damage:
    • Damage Multiplier: Unchanged
    • Grenade Regeneration: yes
    • Infinate Ammo: Yes
    • Weapon Pickup: No
    • Player Speed: Unchanged
    • Player Gravity: Unchanged
    • Vehicle Use: None
    • Motion Tracker Mode: Off
    • Motion Tracker Range: Unchanged
    • Active Camo: Poor Camo
    • Waypoint: Visible to Allies
    • Forced colour: Black
    Map Settings

    Weapons on Map: Map Default
    Grenades on Map: Map Default
    Vehicle Set: Map Default
    Indestructable Vehicles: Yes

    Weapon List:
    Sniper - 2

    Equipment List:
    Flame Grenade - 4

    Vehicle List:
    Mongoose - 2
    Warthog - 1

    Other Useful information:
    Budget Remaining: $1
    Time Taken to make: Around 7 hours
    Time taken testing: Around 2 hours

    Okay, now that I have explained how I got my idea, what Cops & Robbers is, and all the specifics of the gametype, I am now ready to show all the pictures of Deserted, which have been neatly arranged and grouped for you in the same order as on the YouTube video at the top of this post, enjoy!


    Overview 1:
    Overview 2:


    The toilet:
    The caffeteria:
    The upper floor:
    The Entrance:
    The vehicle garage:
    The Guard Tower: (Please note that you have to crouch to get in after walking into the gravlift)
    Inside of the Guard tower: (Notice how dark it is out in the dunes)

    Campsites in the Dunes




    Action Screenshots




    Okay, that was all the screenshots I have taken of Deserted. Please feel free to give feedback, or constructive criticism, Or you could even tell me any stories you have after playing my map.

    oh yeh, One more thing:
    Thanks for taking the time to look at Deserted, thank you all.

    Download Deserted:

    Download Desert Hiding (Gametype):

    <><>T4K Shadow<><>

    #1 T4K Shadow, Mar 29, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  2. CrazyPants

    CrazyPants Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow dude... this should be used for a zombie gametype. Seriously. This is one of the sickest maps ever.
    I like how you pushed it to the boundaries and there are those pitch black spots!

    You have my download when I get the map pack! 5/5. Fave
  3. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Gametype I have created is Cops&Robbers just it has been edited to make the map as fun as possible, for example: The prisoners colour has been made black so they are blend in with the darkness when their out in the dunes. I suppose you could use the ordinary Cops&Robbers gametype I would just download mine, you'll enjoy it more
  4. AItius

    AItius Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this map looks amazing! I personally love cops & robbers, although it's not too popular around here. Although I don't see any amazing new features, it looks the idea was forged perfectly! It definitely looks like a prison, and the campsites look cool too, like the bandit camps in Oblivion, if you have played that game. It has the look and feel of a prison yard as well, and the guard tower looks cool, too, especially the fact that the dunes are very dark. This looks like it could also be a great game for standard infection with that feature. Great job!
  5. lilalphawolf00

    lilalphawolf00 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow this map looks incredibly smooth and well forged good job 4.5/5 because i cant download because i dont have the maps if i did 5/5
  6. Dow

    Dow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hmmm I am not usualy a fan of cops and robbers but this map looks simple amazing. I love the aesthetics , like if I was bored and had no friends online, I could just go look at this map in forge. It actualy reminds me of chronicles of riddick, being on a different planet in the desert, surrounded by sand dunes. 5/5 for getting me interested in cops and robbers

    Why would you take off .5 points for YOU not having the maps? And also, you CAN download if you don't have the maps, you just cant play on it until you do
    #6 Dow, Mar 29, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  7. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks everyone, glad to see alot of people like this, thanks you all!
  8. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this is amazing. You paid miraculous attention to detail on both the main area and the dunes. Great job, dude. You've made an amazingly detailed map. 9/10.
  9. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you, the only plain part is the upper floor, because i ran out of budget, dang budget!
  10. Painkiller

    Painkiller Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the remake, I remember the foundry version and how it was fun, but I like how you used all of the midlevel. I personally love cops & robbers, except for that one guy in the party who KILLS ME EVERY TIME!!! LOL, anyway nice remake 5/5
  11. Asthetik

    Asthetik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I will say that this is the best Cops & Robbers map so far. Its a nice piece on its own, but also a nice concept from from the original Cops & Robbers on Foundry.

    You made it very aesthetic and directed it in the form of the gametype... yet its very simple. 1 Question... are the guardian lasers blocked?. Anyways well done. 9/10
  12. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My golly gee willicurs give this man a feature!

    this map is great. great great great! thats what it is.
    only thing i hate about it: the cells...
    same old same old..... spice it up like that one kid did with Trilobite... or whatever it was... he actually made the cells look like cells :O
    you should make it so a custom power up spawns after say.... 3 mins so the prisoners can go get it and kill those guards! (sept hide it in the dunes so they have to search for it)
    5555555555555555/5 great job
  13. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks everyone
    I feel that would ruin the main objective in the game, i havent ever seen a custom powerup in a cops and robbers map. It would be way to easy for the prisoners to win then, they would be able to kill the guards easily. Thanks for the suggestion anywayz, appreciated
  14. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yah but whenever me and my friends play the ones on foundry we always are annoyed at how we cant kill the cop. i downloaded and played, it was spectacular fun. i might add a custom power up just to see how it plays out.
  15. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry if you already know this but you can assasinate them, i find the best way to do this is to:
    a) Get them to walk behind you then suddenly jump back over their head and quickly assasinate them
    or b) Get a friend to distract him while you sneak behind him and assasinate him.

    Please feel free to add a custom powerup, but i dont think it will make it anymore fun, in fact it may make it worse, but its your choice
  16. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yah i no you can assassinate him :p

    okay well i tried it and it was just a rush for the custom power up.
    so ill just leave it as is cuz like you said it takes away a lot of the fun....
    but also i think you should look into "updating" your cells.
    look at the map trilobite on this site. it has great prison cells
  17. The Barracuda

    The Barracuda Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool infection map. I really like the guarding towers and the whole look of the prison!
    Keep up the good work.
  18. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i know, those cells are really cool, but that wouldnt be possible on my map because there is no where you could merge to make the bar effect, because the cells are so close
    I may make a V2 and completely redo the cell area and add some new features, ill post it soon if and when i finish
  19. Yyzyyz

    Yyzyyz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow, must be fun without time limit, doing a continuous search for the robber across the huge desert

  20. notte

    notte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool idea with the filters. looks nice too. GJ

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