This map is no longer available as there will be another version on my new profile so look out for Nicks barn v2 but dont file copying or anything as it will be on my other profile!
Haha never would of thought of playing in a barn. I cant really get a feel of the map from the pics. Maybe taking some pics of a game with more than yourself on in, it would make it more interesting. Im going to have to pass the dl though, sorry. Edit: Oh forgot to say, WELCOME TO FORGEHUB
Its pretty good I like your map looks very detailed but a little open but thats ok for zombie gametypes although this might fit better in the aesthetics category (possibly) A little scenery goes along way in zombie maps but i just downloaded it and gave it a look over. Nice forging on large scale but u need some little things such as tables or counters maybe light bulbs or even fireplaces are just some things I've seen done. Ill give 4/5 may change PS: Could you check out my map below?
Welcome to Forgehub. From looking at your map it looks pretty cool asthetically and your interlocking is well done. I unfortuantely haven't downloaded your map to play it, but from the pictures, it doesn't look like you have any weapons on the map. Some suggestions are next time add a weapon list and make a better description. Also add some decorative aspects inside the rooms. Maybe like somefusion coils or things to hide behind. 4.5/5 Edit - I've just realized that I repeated some thiings other people have said sorry.
id say you need some more cover in that barn! the zombs are just gona get really mad and killed if you dont..... and plus it makes it look cooler like add some "barn stuff" maybe make a closet with a grav hammer or golf club.... or even a shotgun to fend off those pesky zombs
It looks pretty cool, big, and empty. However, are there weapons on the map? Anyway, for what's here, 7/10.
Okay, First off, Welcome to ForgeHUB . Please take a look at the rules above because you double-posted with this. Now onto your map. I love the idea of playing in a barn but it looks a little bit empty. Are there any weapons on it of any sort? Because if not then you would only be able to stick with your defaults which could make you too overpowered or too underpowered. Also add a bit of cover. I'd love to see future work from you and a V.2 but for now, no download :\ sorry. 4/5. -skulltooth
great map. i was thinking of making a barn map too. i think it's too plain though. maybe you could put some animal stables w/ vehicles in them and some weapons. and the outside could use a little more land.
So cool looking! I'm downloading and trying it out, from the pictures the Aestetics are good, and the idea seems halarious, but cool, I'll leave more after playing it.
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Hey, looks pretty good, but it also looks kind of empty. I'd put more scenery in it, like those small blocks. I really wish Sandbox had some type of crate or wirespool. Those would seem to fit perfectly with this map.
Looks like a real barn, but it could still use some cover, because right now it looks like the barn family had to move out because their barn floated up into the sky like from the movies and they took all thier decorations and furniture with them...Lol
Looks like a real barn, but it could still use some cover, because right now it looks like the barn family had to move out because their barn floated up into the sky like from the movies and they took all thier decorations and furniture with them...
Thats a nice looking piece of Aesthetics you made there... but I dont think the gameplay matches with the whole thing. Maybe you should add more stuff like a fence or something. And add a little more cover for the humans. 4/5
wow dude this looks really good, the only thing that could be improved would be cover and asthetics inside the barn. im dling now