V2 V3 wut u guys think for my FH sotw I posted this on ViralGFX, but the cnc sucked cuz the staff is corrupt. For full explanation, read below, bottom to top. Spoiler [Today, 09:27 PM] masterjelly7: neither is your face [Today, 09:27 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: Rap isn't music. [Today, 09:27 PM] masterjelly7: wow you guys need to listen to Snoop dog more often, his music might make you smarter [Today, 09:27 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: I'm not racist. Unless you can be racist against racists. [Today, 09:26 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: Lol. [Today, 09:26 PM] masterjelly7: o now ur being a hitler against me [Today, 09:26 PM] Ice: I'm gonna go find a stock or somethin, please finish this while I'm gone [Today, 09:26 PM] Ice: ......... [Today, 09:26 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: Not that I'm racist against Jews or anything. [Today, 09:26 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: Barack Obama is not Jewish. [Today, 09:25 PM] masterjelly7: i might be barack obama [Today, 09:25 PM] Ice: You shouldn't hate on staff when they didn't pick it... [Today, 09:25 PM] masterjelly7: you don't even know me [Today, 09:24 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: You're a very strange person. [Today, 09:24 PM] masterjelly7: its cuz i wasn't corrupt [Today, 09:24 PM] masterjelly7: u know why i got kicked off staff other than my sexy quotient exploding the flux capacitor? [Today, 09:23 PM] masterjelly7: and i give GOOD cnc [Today, 09:23 PM] masterjelly7: when i'm here [Today, 09:23 PM] masterjelly7: i do [Today, 09:23 PM] masterjelly7: Don't hide it ice [Today, 09:23 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: Maybe I'd CnC yours if you ever CnCed anybody else's. =] [Today, 09:22 PM] masterjelly7: corrupt [Today, 09:22 PM] masterjelly7: is [Today, 09:22 PM] masterjelly7: staff [Today, 09:22 PM] masterjelly7: u heard me [Today, 09:21 PM] Ice: huh? [Today, 09:21 PM] masterjelly7: staff is corrupt [Today, 09:21 PM] masterjelly7: I love how people can post cnc on this forum and it goes unnoticed PART II OF EPIC DEBACLE Spoiler [Today, 11:13 PM] masterjelly7: CONVERSATION END: JELLEH WIN [Today, 11:13 PM] masterjelly7: i'm more of a sasuke fanboy [Today, 11:12 PM] masterjelly7: so u guys like naruto? [Today, 11:12 PM] Ice: Randle? [Today, 11:12 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: I'm done. [Today, 11:11 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: ****ing annoying. [Today, 11:11 PM] masterjelly7: inorite? [Today, 11:11 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: STAFF IS CORRUPT! [Today, 11:11 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: STAFF IS CORRUPT! [Today, 11:11 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: STAFF IS CORRUPT! [Today, 11:11 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: STAFF IS CORRUPT!STAFF IS CORRUPT!STAFF IS CORRUPT!STAFF IS CORRUPT!STAFF IS CORRUPT! [Today, 11:11 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: STAFF IS CORRUPT!STAFF IS CORRUPT! [Today, 11:11 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: STAFF IS CORRUPT!STAFF IS CORRUPT! [Today, 11:11 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: STAFF IS CORRUPT! [Today, 11:11 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: STAFF IS CORRUPT! [Today, 11:11 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: STAFF IS CORRUPT!STAFF IS CORRUPT! [Today, 11:11 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: STAFF IS CORRUPT! [Today, 11:11 PM] Ice: ..........I wont have part in this if yor going to curse [Today, 11:11 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: STAFF IS CORRUPT! [Today, 11:11 PM] masterjelly7: cnc nao [Today, 11:11 PM] masterjelly7: lawl [Today, 11:11 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: God damned annoying. Acting like a 10 year old. [Today, 11:10 PM] masterjelly7: imma shoot a whale now [Today, 11:10 PM] masterjelly7: way to rain on my parade [Today, 11:10 PM] masterjelly7: naruto is 4 graet justice [Today, 11:10 PM] SAVExTHExWHALES: Shut the **** up already! [Today, 11:10 PM] masterjelly7: i kno cuz ur corrupt staff, as your nemesis it is natural that you would despise him [Today, 11:09 PM] Ice: no, I hate naruto [Today, 11:09 PM] masterjelly7: omg naruto kicks corrupt staff ass [Today, 11:08 PM] Ice: I'm bored... [Today, 11:08 PM] Ice: jelleh [Today, 11:07 PM] masterjelly7: look its meh http://kcegraphics.deviantart.com/art/The-Devil-Likes-Ice-Cream-48338708 [Today, 11:05 PM] Ice: no [Today, 11:04 PM] masterjelly7: amirite? [Today, 11:04 PM] masterjelly7: idk i take pictures of myself eating ice cream [Today, 11:04 PM] Ice: nope, why would I take pictures? [Today, 11:03 PM] masterjelly7: pics nao [Today, 11:03 PM] Ice: With chocolat syrup [Today, 11:02 PM] Ice: I did, and it was good [Today, 11:02 PM] masterjelly7: lol ice ate all the ice creamz [Today, 11:02 PM] masterjelly7: ya [Today, 11:02 PM] masterjelly7: the "halo" sig [Today, 11:02 PM] Ice: Halo prolly [Today, 11:02 PM] Randle Scandal: which sig jelly? [Today, 11:01 PM] Ice: I don't have an ice cream, and haven't since friday cause I ate it all [Today, 11:00 PM] masterjelly7: amirite? [Today, 11:00 PM] masterjelly7: ice guess what? I'm in ur house eatin all ur ice cream [Today, 10:59 PM] masterjelly7: no u say "ya rly" [Today, 10:59 PM] Ice: yes really [Today, 10:59 PM] masterjelly7: orly? [Today, 10:59 PM] Ice: yeah... [Today, 10:59 PM] masterjelly7: ice r u straight? [Today, 10:58 PM] masterjelly7: randle can u cnc mai sig plz? i promise not to put mai **** in ur hand or mouth [Today, 10:58 PM] Ice: nope, ok now I'm done unless it deserves a nope [Today, 10:58 PM] Randle Scandal: haha ice [Today, 10:58 PM] masterjelly7: u pplz have misunderestimated meh [Today, 10:57 PM] Ice: nope [Today, 10:57 PM] masterjelly7: ur sending mixed messages [Today, 10:57 PM] Randle Scandal: and I mean really drunk [Today, 10:57 PM] Ice: Nope [Today, 10:57 PM] Randle Scandal: No thank you, at least if I wasn't really drunk [Today, 10:57 PM] masterjelly7: so u wanna touch nao? [Today, 10:57 PM] Ice: Nope [Today, 10:56 PM] masterjelly7: i would only want randle to touch my **** hand [Today, 10:56 PM] masterjelly7: ur gross ice [Today, 10:56 PM] Randle Scandal: what? [Today, 10:56 PM] masterjelly7: 2 randle [Today, 10:56 PM] masterjelly7: what if my **** was in it? [Today, 10:56 PM] Randle Scandal: o= <-hand [Today, 10:56 PM] Ice: nope [Today, 10:56 PM] masterjelly7: will u hold mai hand w/ ur hand? [Today, 10:55 PM] masterjelly7: no that's master chief [Today, 10:55 PM] Randle Scandal: I thought I was a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything... [Today, 10:55 PM] Randle Scandal: yes [Today, 10:55 PM] masterjelly7: orly? [Today, 10:55 PM] Ice: yes [Today, 10:55 PM] masterjelly7: do you have hands? [Today, 10:54 PM] Ice: yes really [Today, 10:54 PM] masterjelly7: corrupt randle is corrupt and randle [Today, 10:54 PM] Randle Scandal: lol I hope I'm not a corrupt guy... [Today, 10:54 PM] masterjelly7: orly? [Today, 10:54 PM] Ice: nope [Today, 10:53 PM] masterjelly7: viralgfx staff accidentally the whole bottle [Today, 10:53 PM] masterjelly7: corrupt viralgfx staff is corrupt [Today, 10:50 PM] Ice: not ours though [Today, 10:50 PM] Ice: yeah [Today, 10:48 PM] masterjelly7: Corrupt staff is corrupt [Today, 10:09 PM] Ice: Really? I should lurk more [Today, 10:08 PM] Randle Scandal: oh well I already do one of the two ;D [Today, 10:08 PM] masterjelly7: it's just like smoking and beastiality [Today, 10:08 PM] Randle Scandal: haha [Today, 10:07 PM] masterjelly7: no keep lurking all the cool people do that [Today, 09:55 PM] Ice: yeah... [Today, 09:54 PM] Randle Scandal: I should stop lurking and start posting...
i agree, i feel that viralgfx really doesn't have the best staff. at all. Ice is a good one though.. keeps things actually happening there. anyways, the only problem i have with this sig is that its kinda confusing and hard to tell whats going on. too chaotic, and too many focals. otherwise, i like it
I fully agree kitsune. I miss when there were actually staff who cared about that site like Terrax, ReqiemAMX, and me. Part two is up.
Staff isn't really corrupt...Anyway I said color and they do look better with color imo 2, and the shinny thing on the right doesn't fit.
i do have to say, i wanna create a community. maybe we could get the better side of the community like LOCK and diz with it.. of course its expensive but who knows
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/51380-sorry-but.html Out of all those spam posts. Mine was the only one infracted. Also, I've gotten plenty for trying to explain something in the ShoutBox. Still to this very day has never been reversed. Anywho, I love the effects applied to this signature. Not too crouded, but not underacheived.