Authors: AZN FTW, ell3ment Map Name: The Station Map Canvas: Orbital Map Size: Medium Player Count: 4 - 16 players Supported Gametypes: Conquest __________________________________________________ Description: It's here... after weeks of testing, The Station, is now ready for the public. After the release of the Mythic Map Pack, many of us looked at Orbital and saw an obvious connection to Conquest. It contained many hallways and many objects too block off areas, so sir Ell3ment took up the challenge. Through out the forge process I showed up and helped him out and eventually began to help him forge it to perfection to meet the Conquest Map Creation Standards. This is what resulted... The Station is a work of art as well as a battlefield to fit the largest amount of players possible. It is asymmetrical, but that doesn't stop a forger from making it a balanced Conquest map. With proper cover and weapon placement on each side balance was achieved. To start here are the two starting areas: As you can see everything starts exactly the same. All three of the power weapons exist in this territory; the Sniper Rifle, the Brute Shot, and the Plasma Grenades. First of all, power weapons for a Conquest map are normally placed in the first territory to be able to push back if ever backed into the starting area on their side. It is nearly impossible to capture because the territory stretches to behind the shield door, so just holding the 2nd territory should be enough to satisfy you. Second, Plasma Grenades were select for two reasons. The coloring of the explosion matches the scenery (yes I am anal about little things like this), and most importantly the plasma's explosion is wider in diameter hence is more suitable on this map. Frags are bad because they feel week due to the not so narrow areas making it easy to avoid and negligible. Spikes are still good, just they don't match the setting because the map isn't narrow enough to take advantage of sticking to walls. On to the next set of territories: The weapons here are dual spikers in the main run path, SMGs off to the side, and a plasma pistol in transition into the third territories. Spikers were chosen to go in the main path because SMGs were placed at the transition of the 1st and 2nd territories. The reason there are 2 sets of SMGs rather than Spikers is because Spikers are more specialized... SMGs are a common weapon of Conquest and nothing really special. Spikers provide melee capabilities. And the reason why only one set is in the main run path is to offer up a variety of weapons if everyone on the team took the shortest path possible to the center. The plasma pistol isn't very visible, but can be snagged when you are running by it... the box there is an eyecatcher due to it's small size. The third side is where you equip up when you didn't snag anything earlier. The dreaded Plasma Rifles are in here as well as both a Battle Rifle/Carbine. The reason for these two is the bigger size enables for bigger battles, and it isn't much of a risk because their power levels are a lot lower in Conquest. Also there is the standard 4 magnums at the doorway for when you are desperate for ammo or a headshot weapon. And finally where all the action really happens: The center territory proves to be a crazy battlefield. The most notable combat aspect of this part are the moveable wirespools... with the Brute Shot being a main weapon those create dynamic cover and have you always adjusting your strategy. There is a ledge and a whole on one side to offer an advantage, because on the other side the door is much wider and easier to break through. Not to mention that 3rd territory suffers from the straight line of site into the 2nd territory. So we offered a bit more of an advantage with the lift server and the little hole you can shoot through on the right. And yes that is a geomerged soccerball for laughs... And yes the map does plays for up to 16 players... as long as you leave your Walmart Connections at the door (thank you to all my XF testers for having good connections... lolz). And it plays beautifully... here are some action shots from that crazy game: Spoiler I had a bunch more pictures, but FH has a freakin' 20 image limit... you can see the rest here: My Map Screenshots We hope you enjoy the newest addition to the Conquest Featured Library, and after this Ell3ment is now a Certifier for all Conquest maps... if I am busy contact him and he will help you get your Conquest map certified. Oh yeah... and also Sage and Ell3ment decided to make this on the map:
That's cool, except I don't see any pictures.... Or is it just me? This map does play very well and I had a blast playing it with a couple friends. Very neat and a good flow to the map. EDIT: You fixed the pics. Yay! I'm diggin' the hi-res.
None of your pictures are working for me, not sure if that is the case for anyone else. Since you are a ranger, I'm assuming you can properly post pictures. Please fix the problem soon. Also, I'm pretty sure that you can post the rest of the pictures in a second post, and it will not be considered spam. Many people do this now. EDIT: Ok, two people cannot see the pictures. Something is wrong
Your screenshots aren't working. You have to embed them in your post. I don't know the link where the how to embed pictures is located but if you search around you can probably find it somewhere.
hmmm... I can see them just fine... I hosted them all on XF, cuz it's easier for me to see at work and stuff... I will go take the time to upload all of them to imageshack or something...
Well they are working for me so I think its just you guys. Anyway, this looks much better then when I played it like 3 weeks ago it seems. I'll have to get a couple games on this with you AZN. Next time we do a conquest sesh. I never really had a problem with anything in this. I did remember that I thought there were a bit too many grenades but that is just my opinion.
We fixed the grenade problem by setting one to 20 secs and one to 30 secs.. that way a single person has a hard time getting two plasmas at once... EDIT: We found out that it is because the XF members have cookies from XF so we can see them and you guys can't.. lol I'm working on fixing it now... but uploading 28 pics to imageshack takes forever...
The pictures still aren't working for me. I click on the Show button and it comes up with a bunch of quotes describing pictures but there's nothing there. And i clicked the link and it took me to xForgery and it says i don't have permission to view the page. I downloaded the map so I'll tell you what i think tomorow. EDIT: I see the pictures now. Thanks
Alright I uploaded everything and fixed links... thank you everyone for your patience... Due to the frustration it takes to post a map here now from just copying and pasting, all my stuff is going to be XF exclusive... this is ridiculous and I don't feel like dealing with the staff because they just implemented this to stop XF from copying and pasting our maps... so I will not anymore. I hope you guys enjoy this. I'm out...
Wow I can't believe they were actually petty enough to block the pics from XF. This map is great and is going to be one of the best conquests your going to find on the mythics. It all comes full circle from a new cellars to a new mythic conquest all from the original creator of conquest.
Is this a map or an ad for your forum? I dont mean to be confrontational, im just a little confused. Anyway, the map looks pretty sweet. I've seen a few Orbital conquest maps already but this one looks pretty awesome. I'll be checking it out.
Looks amazing, Azn. this is pure speculation, but it sounds like you put some srs thought into this map on Orbital (which i don't even know the default layout anyway). I will save this in my Subscriptions until the time is right...and that time is the Ninth of
Its not an ad. He is just legitly posting it here but he hosts his images from Xforgery so it doesn't appear to anyone who doesn't have cookies from the site. but he re did them.
i just played about three games of this with AZN and a party of 12. It was a blast! I got a killing frenzy on the first round for some reason (there is a ton of cover on this one). It was pretty easy to hide and get those pesky assassinations, but it was too hard to pick up weapons once the battle had begun (there were tons of the on the floor so i kept picking up something i didnt want). I wish the teams had been a bit more even. People kept switching back and forth in attempt to balance the game out. But i enjoyed it! Well done AZN, but there is room for improvement! EDIT: I seem to have been proven wrong. But i was positive that Hero switched to our team... Haha no worries man, but you owe me!
Actually Gunner nobody switched teams... team switching was off on all except the last game kinda sucks that we didn't actually get an even set of teams oh well, regardless we almost won that last round... one more freakin territory in that sudden death... argh!!!! and there is alot of cover for a reason... the assassinations only happen to those that are careless... lol. It was great fun tonight though... we still need to fix your map and stuff... sorry for us playing too many customs... that's the XF way... lolz
I plays well i love getting multi kills from plasma grenades at the begining. and its a good map for teretories because it has enough cover but at the same time theres not many places you can camp unless the other team lets you get to there final flag lol. I like the map and its nice to finaly have a orbital map to use here and there instead of using the same old default orbital. :] Good work
When i started forging this map i never dreamed of how good it really would turn out. It all began with a rough version that slowly got widdled down, through equal participation of azn and myself, into the version you see now. Almost every game i play will almost always come down to pushing for that final deciding middle territory control.. That's with people who play conquest often enough to understand the best way to push territories(It really is well balanced). The middle territory actual self balanced it self even more when i geo-merged the territory markers since for whatever reason the soccer ball corner, wall slit corner, and deeper corner on the other side are all outside the capping radius for that territory even though they technically are inside. I really hope everyone else enjoys this map as much as myself and many others do, it truly plays as well as we say it does. I would suggest that as soon as you get the maps(for those who don't have) you should try this out with as many people as you can muster to make even teams.
Finally someone makes a conquest for 8 on 8 these are harder to find. I will definitly download, the only problem is that the weapons look they are a little grouped together.