Date: 3/29 after 7 pm Rank: colonel Lessons: br and strafe Gametype: slayer brs Map: pit Gamertag: vi rapid iv sorry i forgot to change date
Date: 4/05 Rank: Major Lessons:Sniper Br and Strafe Gametype: Slayer Brs Map: Narrows Gamertag: Xlabz
okay you sold your general... uhm who seriously buys 50's for money? i have sold like 10 level 50's but only for 3months. but i would help ya out with lessons.
Now that the topic came up, I see people buying 50s for 1 months. Fifty bucks is a little over-the-top.
@Xlabz-Yes i will put you on the list. @OMGclutch69-yes man i could use some help,thanks dude @N1lly-Yea I know IDK why they would buy them either, but it don't bother me, i made some money off of it.
Date: 4/5 2:00-6:00pm PST (Los Angeles) Rank: Beginner-Intermediate Lessons: Sniping, Hiding Spots Gametype: Doesn't matter Map: Construct, Epilogue, and Narrows Gamertag: GeassBandit
Ima pr3tty much already pr0, so I dun need yo helpz. Jk. I think it's cool that you're helping people out. (I seriously don't need lessons though. Just thought I would stop in to say thanks).
Maybe your doing the same thing goatnuts,lol, because you said less than he did. But as of right now, i do not have time to do these, so i need someone to come in and hopefully give these lessons to the people that need them while i am gone. So if anybody wants to be a part of the staff in these lessons, then please PM me