HIECETIC _____________________ This is my first map post on FH, but I have been comeing here along time.Anyway this is my map on Foundry that is symmetrical Discription: I came up with the idea of my buddy Honestscorpion's map he made and i started from there. The map i know doesn't have alot of geo-merging or interlocking, but i know how to do them both. i wanted the map to be like this because i've never done it before, now before all u go shooting urselfs,and yelling at me for not doing merges or locks i want u to know that this map is very fun to play on.Dont shoot it down without atleast playing on it thats all i ask. weopon list --------------------- Sniper x2 BR x8 (i think) Carbinex2 mauler x2 Shotgun x2 (no spareclip) Rocket x1 Spiker x2 Flamethrower SMG x2 plasma rifles x2 Grenades x6 Plasma x6 Spike Grenade x2 Bubble Shields x1 Regen. x1 D. cover x2 Gametypes -------------------- supports Slayer,Team Slayer,CTF,and Oddball Recommened: Team slayer,slayer,and CTF i havent tested Oddball yet Alright now on to the PICS ------------------------------------------- this is the center of the map this is the sniper tower symmetrical on each side this is were the rockets,and the camo spawn its now for some action shots ------------------------------------------------------ thats it plz leave some critzism and suggestions here is the Download link: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=69720532
this post is not up to forgehub standards, please embed youre pics. ill download as soon as i get some pics
Here, try using the new Haloscreenshots.net to get your pictures on your thread. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/announcements/59574-haloscreenshots-net.html Just follow the instructions here and we will be able to see your map in all its glory in no time at all.
okay, WAY too many power weapons, at the most, take out... 4? 5? I suggest maybe a sniper, a shotty, and a rocket. take out the maulers, only one or less sniper and shotty, and either say goodbye to the rockets or hammer. oh, and THE FLAMETHROWER! the flamethrower was just like... WHAT?!? on to the Pics okay, so your pictures aren't working, if they are just unaltered halo pictures, try haloscreenshots.net, i'd like to see it, so get those pics up soon!
How would you know what the map needs? have you played it yet? didnt think so Edit: the map is really good, I've downloaded and played this map and all my friends love it. It has two great sniper towers, the map is really cool and i like the way it is set up, but you could replace the gravity hammer with something a little weaker anyway the map is cool and i like what you've done with it, keep up the good work and you should think about making some more maps
I've DLed and I've been messing around on it by myself, because none of my friends are on, but I really think this map has potential. At first I thought the map had no interlocking, but I saw a few spots. It could do with a more aesthetic upgrade. I actually like the weapon/spawn placements, but there is an overkill with the Flamethrower, Rocket Launcher, and a Gravity Hammer, so I'd suggest taking one or two out to balance the weaker/power weapon scale. +1 on the fact that the Shotgun has no spares, but instead there are two. I think this evens it out. I think you should add a few Assault Rifles and a couple more Frags to go along with them. The map has a nice feel, with enough cover to prevent total whoring with the sniper(s), but not so much that you need a Hammer/Shotgun/etc. just to stay alive. I have a problem with Overshields and Active Camo's so I'm not going to rant. Edit: I played some 2v2 just now ::SUMMARY:: ||PROS|| Good weapon spawn Fair cover from snipers Great for small games ||CONS|| Minor weapon overkill Not too much interlocking/geo-merging (I understand, I read the post, just saying) A ghost Two Rocket Launchers Two overshields Overall, this map has a nice flow between the weapon layout and the size of the map. I'm going to give you a sturdy 4/5 Keep up the great work! (And to everyone who reads, please don't have ten people tell someone how to post a picture, or giving them grief because they didn't.)
erm... this looks okay, you should flip your boxes and bridges over to make it look a little neater. The layout looks not so original and you do have a lot of power weapons. It's kinda ridiculous. Sorry but no DL from me.
Hmmm.... This map doesn't look like you interlocked much, but that doesn't take away from the gameplay, it's not like you are required to do it but it does add some aesthetic please to it. The map to me looks like something that i would make in the early days of forge, Meh, I'll give it a 3.5/5. BTW, Forgehub, I'M BACK BITCHEZ
you where right there was to many power weopons so ive edited with no hammer,no shields,no camo,added some frags,were the camo was i put plasma rifles. and yes i know it would look neater to do the boxs upside down but i want to make a map with little asthetics i know all the tricks but thanks for the critizism and yes theres a new link for the map
Very clean,the sniper tower could be way neater.The map is pretty empty,it doesn't give the feeling like"Oh no what will happen next."So this map should be under a more less competitive section.Overall this map gets a 3/5 and you could of merged a bit more.
there is more cover then you think you cant really see that from the pics but there is pretty good bit of cover trust me on that
It looks interesting, Ill give it a DL and come back with a review. As for what I see in the Pictures, for being barely interlocked and geomerges, the lines of sight look fairly good.
alright thanks alot but u still havent given me a review if u say it then keep ur word plz but thanks anyway
I got to say definately too many power weapons. I downloaded played and found it WAAAAY too easy, you need to take out a couple of the better weapons, maybe take ohhhh THE GRAVITY HAMMER!! and ummmm the FLAMETHROWER I actually download played twice and said "wow.....this....is.....terrible" and picked up my xbox and smashed it. Ok i didn't smash my Xbox, but if i had the money to buy another, I would have, I instantly removed it. Definately the weapon choice killed it, the map was already on the edge of a giant cliff and then the over powered weapon gave it that final shove
all i have to say is ur an idiot dude there is no hammer and the flamethrower woow ur a pus dude if someone has the flamethrower back ur ass up cause they cant catch u and plus they cant turn fast so walk around them or something aparently u didnt play with people cause ive played with atleast 7 different people with my map and they had no problems with it theres anough cover from snipers and it plays really well and the hammer deal wow ur a Fu**ing retard there isnt a hammer and i dont care about how bad u hate it or about ur xbox
this map sucks. and dont go around dissing other peoles maps when you cant forge for ****, learn to forge first of all, second the maps i have seen you comment on you try and think you are the best map maker, you go, lacks cover and is messy, 2/5 also my maps are, stop advertising yourself. Make a good map and i wont make a big deal asshole.
listen here u ***** dont come in here like u own the ****ing place now u listen here u **** sucker i made this map because ive never done a map with little to no interlocking and so i did i meant for it to be this way if u would have read the thread then u would know this oh and by the way i might not be the BEST but im better than ur ass bitchim not ****ing advertising myself so dont even say that **** quite ye damn PMSin u ****er