[SIZE=+3]Crossing[/SIZE] made by: Scottash Download Map Here Crossing is a symmetrical map made on the crypt level of Sandbox. Although I've made a few infection and casual maps in the past none of them were really good, so I thought I'd try to make a competitive map for once. Crossing is my first competitive map and supports the gametypes: Neutral Bomb, Multi Flag, Team King of the Hill (2 v 2 only), and Assault. It took me more than 16 hours to make (maybe just because I'm quite slow at forging) and I had to edit it several times (especially the side wall which got completely changed twice). Unfortunately, I used up as many items as I could to try and complete this map and as such I'm unable to put down any more spawn points (due to the OLN limit) for gametypes such as slayer. I'm trying to fix this at the moment, and hopefully after recieving some constructive critisicm I'll know what other areas I need to fix in order to make a V2 and do this map some justice. Now on with the pictures! an overview of the map *Notice the tunnel connecting the two bases running under the main bridge* the red base, identical to the blue base (below) As you can probably tell, most of the effort went into forging the geometry around the bases and not the actual buildings themselves. Still, they each have 2 battle rifles, 1 mauler, 1 needler, and 1 regenerator, and various exits. On one side of the map there is a pathway in the cliffs leading to an outcrop in the middle holding an active camo behind the waterfall. Both bases can easily enter the cliffs through their respective gates. The blue gate is shown below leading up to the elevated path. One of the things which I like most on this map are the sniper towers located to the right of each base (pictured below) They each have a grav lift which respawns every 20 seconds to raise the player up to the platform. Each tower has a sniper rifle in it which can be very effective if used properly but not too overpowering due to the two other routes (underground tunnel and cliff path) which are out of the sniper's field of sight. Personally, I don't like the roofs on them but they are essential as I found that you could escape the map by jumping off their sides. To get back down from the tower either shoot the grav lift and drop down or crouch while jumping to escape. An overshield spawns underneath the bridge. Another way of reaching the opposition's side is also by walking over the tunnel rather than in it. If you do fall of the bridge into the "void" there is an underground entrance to your base (or the enemies if you're being particularly sneaky), which is also very near the tunnel exits. Entrance to the tunnels. A mauler spawns at each base. Well that's basically my map. I hope that you get a chance to play on it and can tell me how it plays because unfortunately only one of my friends has the mythic map pack and he's away on holiday, so I haven't yet played on my map but I would love to hear any feedback on that. In regards to the spawning problems; again I'm trying my hardest to fix it because it's very annoying to me. A few final notes: a brute shot spawns in the middle of the bridge and is probably the most "overpowering" weapon, please let me know if it ruins the gameplay so that I can change it; the tunnels have been merged to try and make it as smooth as possible but there are a few small bumps. I've worked quite hard on this map so I would really appreciate some constructive critisicm on how I could make it better. Thanks for taking the time to read my first post, it certainly won't be my last! Incase you missed the link at the top, here is the link to "Crossing" on bungie again: Download Map Here P.S. I will try to get some action shots as soon as I have someone to play with + thank you Sorahn for Haloscreenshots.net it is AWESOME, made posting this a piece of cake
Wow nice layout i like near everything because its pretty neat and i like the idea of the covenant watchtowers yeah. Nice job i really like it, and is this your first map cause if it is then welcome to ForgeHub! 4.7/5 because in some parts its kinda crooked. EDIT: Yay first post my first time being first post yay!?!
Nice map, looks evenly balanced but I couldn't help to notice the maller in the small tunnel, you could easily camp around the corner which would get annoying in slayer or objective games like flag P.S. Just so you know, cavemen got horny too, so what did those little patches a animal skin that cover their private parts look like when...
I always love a perfectly symmetrical map. All the maps i've made (except my race one) have been nearly perfectly symmetrical just like yours. Good job =)
Thanks for the fast feedback and welcoming me to forgehub P.S. congratulations on achieving your first 1st post! Yeah, I know what you mean I hate those kind of people. I haven't yet tried it out tho (as I mentioned earlier) so I don't kno yet it the maulers do hinder gameplay. I'm hoping that the three other possible entrances to the base can lessen the camper's "effectiveness" on stopping opposition; and maybe a player could challenge the camper 1 on 1 with his own mauler, but who knows? Btw that caveman senario is very... thought provoking...
Well, this looks good. A bit sloppy, but good. It could have a bit more around the tunnel, but the layout seems pretty solid. I like the sniper tower, too. Overall, 7/10. I like it, but it's just a bit...blocky.
Yea, no problem. Weapons list is pretty small because of OLN limit 4x battle rifles 1x Brute Shot 2x Maulers 2x Needlers 2x Regenerators If I could have, I would have aadded far more weapons around the map + a greater variety. P.S. I'm not sure if this counts, but there is an overshield and an active camo on the map as well