I called this map The Foundry because I believe that this is what Foundry should have been. I made this map last August and never posted it, so I thought it was time to. I'm a little late since there is sandbox coming out now, lol. If you are down to play add niZmo v2. Its made for: Team Slayer CTF Oddball King of the Hill Items: 1 Custom 2 Snipers 1 Rocket 2 Carbines 2 Maulers 4 Battle Rifles 4 Carbines 4 Grenades 4 Plasmas Halo 3 File Details
WELCOME TO FORGEHUB! Wow, for almost no interlocking, it does not look half bad! It does not look sloppy like most maps that use no interlocking. But that does not matter. Overall, the layout looks original, it's neat, the gameplay could be cool. I only saw one sloppy pic, which was 9th from bottom. Great job! 4.5/5
Thanks guys, I dyeing to play on it lol. I added one more pic at the bottom because I didn't have a good perspective of how far out the rocket was. I could have made it better but I ran out of money lol.
looks like a good map really like the layout, but i would make those double boxes in the middle [diagonal ones] open, provides more places to go if you getting ambushed! 4.8/5 btw, looks great for not having much interlocking...usually no interlocking turns out really sloppy oh and one more thing, try grouping your re-spawns in groups of two or three, one spawn starts to get predictable ha ha I've been through that...
lol I hear that. I finished this map with $0 left. I had to take out things and change things to make it the best I could with the budget. Only if I have 4 more dollars I could make them open lol. Or I could take something out. I don't see anything that I would trade though. There are purple weapon holders at the snipe towers holding up the top floor that I could delete but then there would be a big gap. I wish I didn't put the wall agianst the wall behind the main teleport. I would have saved 8 bucks lol.
I love the layout! You should enter this map for the next lazy mapmaker contest (real contest, not an insult by any means). For a map without interlocking this doesn't look sloppy like most non interlocked maps. 8.5/10
Thanks mike. When is the next contest? I would need to fix a couple things before then, like more interlocking to make some surfaces smoother. I just found out that there is an unlimited money glitch that could have made this map a lot fuller and nicer. I am going to remake this map when sandbox comes out, and make a couple changes. I am going to pick a better name too lol.
I'm going to update it when I get home today, since I know the money cheat now. I'm going to add little things in there and re-upload the file. And I don't think the shield spawns at the beginning like it should. If anyone has any suggestions let me know. Thanks
Doesn't loko all that impressive, anyways got a DL from me i'll get a couple of my friends and be back here for a more accurate rating For now 3/5