Watchtower Come see a different side of Foundry. I started this map with the intention of building in an area of Foundry that never seems to get much love. The base side. (aka: the spawn side) Sure the main warehouse floor offers the most room, but hey I'm always up for a challenge, so I decided to build a multi-leveled upper floor for the base side. And while that is where my initial focus was for this map, I feel that I've also done some cool stuff with the rest of the canvas available to me. Download Watchtower Let's take a tour, shall we? Up the ramp into the #02 side of the base. Note: This ramp is the only way in from this side. Both doors are closed. Once inside, you'll find the sword waiting in a long lonely corridor. Follow the back hallway all the way around and you'll find the ramp leading up to the second floor, located on the #01 side of the base. At the top of the ramp you have a choice, make a left... ...and you can work your way down an elevated hallway that leads toward the main warehouse floor. But if instead you choose to turn right at the top of the ramp...'ll head up to the 3rd floor observation post, which provides a clear view of most of the main room. From this perch, you can rain down laser fire on your enemies, drop down onto the 2nd floor walkway, or leap all the way down to the main floor. Taking the ramps down, you can work your way over to the window side of Foundry's main floor area... ...which is now a fortified 2 level base of it's own. Follow the arrows... ...and you'll head down the hallway that runs along the back of the first floor of the window base... ...which looks like this from the front. To reach the second floor of the base, use the stairs out front on the left, or hop on one of the dumpsters, or at the end of the hallway there's a portable grav lift that can be used to pop you up. Once on the second floor, you can make your way up the ramp to the corner outpost... ...where you'll find a fuel rod cannon and a great view of the watchtower that guards over a central network of trenches. The trenches that run toward (and under) the massive watchtower in the center of the room provide a great spot for all-out, close quarters-style rumbles. Just imagine the possibilities... ...and then follow the trench all the way under the watchtower, where you'll find a cozy little spot that holds a hammer. Carefull where you swing it though, those propane tanks can make things interesting. Go out the shield door, and you'll end up behind the watchtower, where the grand staircase will take you up to the observation deck... ...where you'll be able to shred any trench runners below. Just be aware that you might soon be laser bait if you hang in this exposed spot too long. And finally, it should be mentioned that the outer fringe of the watchtower grounds is wide enough to zip around on a mongoose, if that's your thing. So there it is kids. Check it out and let me know what you think. Download Watchtower Download Watchtower KOTH If you like what you see, check out my other maps: -Donkey Kong- -Volcano-
This looks amazing and original. My only problems with it are these: -Nooby weapons, but nicely placed I must say. -The fact that you have to make a long journey to make it up to the 2nd floor, but in the end all still worth it for the lazer. Those bad things aren't even really bad things, so this is a pretty good map in my opinion as you might be realizing now. *Downloaded*
I agree it does seem like a different side to foundry, at first I thought it may have been a avalanche map. But you can still get outside the hallways and roam free, you should try to go for complete containment, I know it's hard to do but just sayn. I'm downloading and playn few more maps then I will get back with a rating and perhaps more feed back, I haven't played a actual game on here yet.
That is considered spam, you could get an infraction for that The map looks good except in some parts it's either too narrow or too wide without cover, maybe add some barriers and make alternative paths for the narrow walkways
Major spam. Anyway, on to the map. It looks really good, like it makes use of Foundry and it's area very well. I love how everything has something that can combat it, i.e. Trench Runners<Turret<Spartan Laser Very nice job with that. However, there do seem to be a lot of power weapons. I would suggest either taking a few of them out, or creating a second, more competitive based version of this map. It is in casual maps, though, so that's not a big concern. Although you used lots of interlocking, it looks like it could still be cleaned up a little, especially the trench area. Those are the only thing I see that could be improved from the pictures, so it's all up to weapon placement and spawns now. Very good map from what I can see. EDIT: I disagree with this. It looks like it helps because the laser is such an advantage, so it's only fair that the person must make a long journey to get it.
Hey, thanks for all the positive feedback everyone. Glad you're liking the map. It came out really well, but I will admit that there are a few minor flaws here and there. This map was actually my first attempt at interlocking objects, so I was kind of learning as I went. There are a few places that could use a little smoothing out, but overall, I was really happy with how things ended up.
Like AItius said, I like how the different areas have their own advantages and disadvantages. All very balanced, which is surprising for a map with so many power weapons. Very good for Team Slayer if you have a good team and lots of communication.
wow im suprised at how good this is! i liked the use of the back part of foundry. i just think there should be more mlg weapons then swords and hammers. but oh well. i could see a pretty fun game of slayer on this map or even ninja ball (yes people still play that) i can imagine running through those trenches with the ball almost getting killed by the turret then getting splazed right as im almost to saftey very nice map
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I wanted to address a few of the comments that have been made in this thread. First, I agree that there may be too many power weapons on this map for a competitive, team-based game, but I think that's primarily because most nights, it's just me and 3-5 friends running around playing some casual games. I think because of that, the maps I've created are geared toward smaller, free-for-all type games. But some of the power weapons could easily be swapped out, if that's your preference. As for the quoted comment above, I think maybe there's some confusion around how long it takes to reach the laser. In the screenshots, I mention that the base doors on the #02 side are closed and the ramp is the only way into that side. However, the doors on the #01 side of the base are open. So you don't have to walk all the way around to get up to the 2nd and 3rd floors, you could just go in the far right door on the #01 side and then right up the ramp. Thanks again- keep the constructive criticism coming!
Sorry for the double post... I just added a "Watchtower KOTH" game variant for this map. (Actually, I had it in there before, but somewhere along the way it got lost.) Again, the map was originally designed and created with Slayer or Juggernaut games in mind, but this King of the Hill variant was also specifically designed for this map and it's been working out really well.