Tips On Leveling Up In Halo 3

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Playerhata27, Jul 15, 2008.

  1. Rex Thunder

    Rex Thunder Ancient
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    It seems like common sense to go to a 1 in movement speed??? Are you on 1?

    I guess you are just that good pal. I[m an average player and I thought the goal was to get to a point where you could INCREASE your movement speed- not decrease- so I never thought about lowering it. I've kept it at a 3 and/or 4- and never thought about making it slower- but I will surely try now.

    Everything else was pretty much a reminder though. Great right up playahater!
  2. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    Yea, you have to decrease it so that you will be able to become a very steady shoooter on 1 and than eventually increase to 2 and so on. And like some of you said that you are stuck in lone wolves, i would not suggest trying oto get your 50 inlone wolves because you have to be very goodand very experienced. If you are a new player or you are just not excellent at halo, i would really reccomend trying to get levled up in something that involves a team. Than once you have found the right playlist that you want to get levled in, then find a team that has better higher raks than you andyou will be matched up with higher rankings and more experienced players. This will in return, increase your skill because you are not playing with people on your skill level, you are playing with people that are much better than you. And if any of you are looking for th easiest gametype to get ranked in, than i would highly suggest Swat, Doubles or even Regular team slayer
  3. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    I don't see this being stickied, for it's not really pertaining to all of Halo Discussion, just multi-player tips. Thanks Austin, and I've been debating about making major edits in the near future. Even including some picture guides, and such. Thanks again.

    I really appreciate your words, but could you possibly elaborate on how it did? It could be beneficial for the both of us. Thanks again.

    Definitely mine to. I've become so accustomed to the BR, I can't imagine a game without it. Thanks.

    Well, I'm not demanding it to be on one. Players range in hand-eye coordination, and simple opinion. For me, I've learned low sensitivities work for me, and keep by reticule steady and stable. Though, it doesn't necessarily make you a bad player if your sensitivity is above my threshold, for we all have different liking. Thank you.

    I partially agree. Lone Wolves is more independent, while other team play lists are obviously dependent. It all derives from what type of player you are. If team mates increase your win ratio, then go right ahead. If single handed killing is your way, then go right for it. It's all in the player, as I've stated before. Thanks to you too.
  4. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Sorry, but I disagree with so many things in this tutorial to ranking up. Some of them I will explain that I think can make a huge difference. I, myself, go in to Matchmaking by myself in any gametype and have gotten a 50 in each one at least once [just by going in by myself]. I can usually get a 50 in Team Doubles in around 50-55 games losing only about 5 times in total. In Team Slayer, I just did this so I can honestly say that it took me 54 exp and 60 games played going in by myself to get the 50. Going in by yourself is proven to allow you to rank up faster through the Trueskill Ranking System which is used.

    TrueSkill: Matchmaking Made Easy for Xbox Live - Microsoft Research [This is kind of an old link lol, sorry.]

    Another thing I oppose against is the sensitivity level. I played on 3 for my entire Halo 2 and Halo 3 career until about two months ago. I was amazing at playing at 3 and had gotten 50s before with it. Then one day I switched to 5 and played on it for a while. My kill/death started to rise more and more as I played finally surpassing my k/d when playing on sensitivity 3. Now I know that is not going to work with everyone but I feel like it needs to be said.

    On top of that I know it is hard to stay at 5 sensitivity when starting back up the next day. Many people say that warming up before you play high levels is a good idea which I highly recommend BUT I have something that helps much more when you are warming up. Like I said, my sensitivity I play on is 5. I warm up on 7. When I feel like I have almost warmed up and gotten used to 7 I switch back to 5. [This usually only takes a game to warm up]. Then I go into my desired playlist that I want to rank up in and I can so much better. My first account that I had for my first year of playing Halo has a ranked K/d of 1.6. I have gotten 3 50s in the last month on different accounts and when I have finished the k/d is around 2.75 which is very good and I think it has to do with my sensitivity change.

    Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to brag about my abilities in Halo 3. It is just a game. I am trying to use myself as an example because I keep track of my stats and stuff to compare myself to my past. Also, I am not trying to put down your article, but merely state facts that I have noticed through my gameplay. I could just be an outlier but it is something to think about.
  5. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    Alright, I would like some insight about my following question that relates to what DocMan has said in the above paragraph. Now I see and understand that it is harder to rank up to a higher skill level when having a mass amount of experience. Such as your example if you're trying to achieve the rank of General. Well, right now I am sitting roughly around 1,000 exp. and a skill of 40. Now I would appreciate some responses towards my question because I myself are some what confused upon it.

    My question is should I continue on and just have fun playing social matches and have my experience accumulate and in the future attempt to get my skill to a 45?
    Or should I temporarily stop getting so much experience in general and give my hardest attempt at getting my 45 now and thus have fun and enjoy the social play lists. Note that I have no intention what so ever to get a skill of 50.
  6. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Then to this my point seems to make more valid sense so I will try to explain it further in detail. It makes sense to start at a lower sensitivity and work your way up but if you actually think about it that is completely wrong. You want to start out at a higher sensitivity and work your way down to a level that you are satisfied with. It may not make sense to everyone by just saying that so I will go further.

    Starting at a higher speed should improve your gameplay better because you need to get down playing at that higher speed to even do anything. Once you go down it will be much easier. That is why I said it in my last post. Otherwise you would be used to 1 and have to work at 2 once you moved up. Having 7 down or something and going to 5 makes it sooooo much easier to play. Because if you can get 7 down you already have 5 down.

    However, this isn't going to take just a warmup game on 7, or whatever speed you want to start at, to get used to it. I did this for a while. I will use examples since it is easier to explain my point. Say I want to play on 4 but I just am not ready for it. My recommendation is to go play on 6 or 7 for an entire day. The next day when you come on warm up in 6 or 7 for a game and then switch back to 4 and it should help you so much.
  7. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    No offense taken, and I clearly understand where you're coming from. I never said you're obliged to have a low sensitivity, nor do you have to follow my party-up guide. The initial purpose of this thread was to create a steeping stone for newer players, and players that are caught up with a certain stand-point. I respect your decision, and am fine with it.
    I've heard/witnessed that experience does further slow your progression of skill. The games fundamentals assume all the exp you're receiving means you're at a substantial rank, and should be locked on it. I recommend going full-force for a 45, before it's to late, like in my case.

    Exactly. Players should experiment with sensitivities that are suitable for them. There are many Pros with high sensitives, and many with low ones. It's a combination of things, that makes up who you are as a player. I would take sensitivity into account when scoping with a Battle Rifle, or Sniper Rifle, to really see the amount of change. Then determine which works best for you. Even change your sensitivity for different maps, if you find that liable.
  8. b0ng0fr33

    b0ng0fr33 Ancient
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    Hey the guide is useful and i did learn a lil bit from it but, i didnt play almost all last summer and on and off last fall/winter and i just started playing again and i am HORRIBLE with the sniper. So it would be appreciated if you had any tips with the sniper? and btw im a 43 in lone wolves...thats me highest.
  9. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    But if you start off on a higher sensitivity it will allow you to have that steady aim but at a higher sensitivity thus giving you all the advantages of both worlds. And once you find a sensitivity moving around constantly makes it hard to play. Warming up with a higher sensitivity just for one game before you start each day isn't really going to mess you up. I have been doing this for about a month it really helps. I have told people this as well and they have told me that it worked for them.
  10. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Alright, well this could spawn another guide in itself, but I'll give you simple sniping tips that the average player should comprehend.

    • When turning corners, or opening a new line of sight, ZOOM IN. What this does, is give you an advantage. If you happen to be caught off guard, and not be scoped, in most chances you'll die, without any damage done. But scoping will allow to have the upper hand. But also, remember to aim subjectively. Don't just scope in and examine the ceiling. Predict where players heads are, or at least estimate the location you predict it will be in. Or, just predict where their body will be, so you'll pick up a body shot.
    • Now this goes for any circumstance, not only with the sniper. When multiple enemies appear, focus on all of them, DO NOT kill them individually. For example. You turn a corner, and 3 opponents are there. 2 are facing in the opposite direction, and one is aiming at you. Go for the one aiming at you by shooting him a couple of times, then throwing a grenade to weaken the whole clan. It will then allow you to pick up a multi-kill, and possibly save yourself.
    • I recommend you practice this in custom games. No-scoping. No-scoping is probably the most useful technique of the sniper. Since the sniper has such a damage rate, it's excellent to no-scope. Now, a common technique is spraying. Not exactly the common term 'Pray and Spray', but spraying. What happens in this technique is when an enemy is approaching, aim to the left or right (Depending you are right or lefty) then quickly move the joystick + fire the sniper. In most cases, the bullet will hit. As I said before, this requires practice, plus patience.
    I hope those helped you, and you can contact me further if you need any help.

    Definitely true. But it's ignorant to say everyone will be accustomed to a high sensitivity once picking up Halo 3. Some players will like starting on a low sensitivity, giving them a broader perspective of accuracy/stability. Though, thanks for your comments, and I really appreciate the help.
  11. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Yea, I get what you are saying but if you practice at the high sensitivity you will get used to it maybe not completely but more so enough that if you go back down sensitivity you will be able to pick it up easier.
  12. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    You shouldn't tell people to try 1 sensitivity. It has been proven that the ONLY sensitivity to use is the one that you personally find works the best. Some people play on 10 because that's what they are the most comfortable with. Same with every other sensitivity.

    If you want better aim, try adjusting your sensitivity until you find what you like best. Don't just play on (insert #) sensitivity just because someone told you to.

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