ST Dilemma ST Team Slayer ST Team King ST One Flag Squad Tactics is a revolutionary game that tests a brand new set of skills, maintaining custom games fun and blending it with MLG competitive gaming. Players spawn with BRs and plasma pistols. The CPU effect differs from gametype to gametype. Below are the effects of the custom powerup: ST Team Slayer: 10 second invincibility and infinite ammo. ST Team King: active camo. ST One Flag: enhanced, normal distance radar. Other constants in all gametypes includes the 10m radar, no ally waypoints, 110% speed, and 150% gravity. Squad Tactics was designed for Forge Union's Ladder System. It has a distinct weapon set that sets it apart from the standard maps. Below is the Squad Tactics acceptable weapon set: Sniper rifle Mauler Plasma rifle Flame grenade Spike grenade Carbine And now, the specific Dilemma weapon set: Sniper rifle x2 (Spawning behind the B sign and on the snaking sniper bridge) Mauler x1 (Spawning on top of the main "wall dock") Spike grenade x2 (Spawning below the merged corner walls) Flame grenade x3 (Two are fairly distant from the map and rarely used, the other is inside the open double box) The plasma pistol starts along with the BR encourages you to improve your accuracy. The lack of ally waypoints prevents usage of more easy callouts such as "One shot on my X" or "He's behind me, help!". Although the game is not much like MLG, it encourages you to practice skills just like MLG; only, a different skill set. This was designed for the 2v2 ladder, but can be played with 3v3. 1v1 also recommended. Action Shots:
I disliked it (not hated but disliked) I think you abused Immovable objects and Geomerging 2/5 or 3/10. Crossed out due to stupidity and lack of me actually looking through the map.
Specifics please? Did you play a 2v2? I don't see how you can "abuse" immovable objects considering that's what a map is made of... that comment really doesn't make any sense to me... EDIT: Going through your games, you never even played this...
you kidding? looks like a great map! mergings look fantastic, though an overview would be helpful to see the whole map. a little more cover would make it better. overall, 4/5. good job!
*Starts laughing* I remember playing many games on this map. And most of those times I kicked your but. The only problem was the many spawn killings I Did to you. Other wise the map was awesome. I give a 4.5/5
X out the immoveable objects one. that one i didnt mean to add once i took a second look but I think that you did "abuse" putting objects into the floor. (i didnt play a 2v2) ill change my rating to a 9.5/10 considering i really didnt look through it throughaly enough to see that you did do a pretty frickin good job on it. (about the immovable objects: I had somethin else goin htrough my head i was fixing one of my maps while commenting sorry)
This looks pretty well forged but seems kind of dull. I dont see very many areas for safe spawns so I bet you could get spawn killed fairly easy. A big part of that is probably the lack of cover. This is very open, simplicity is cool but this is too open. There also seems to be a few bumps like in the 3rd pic, that ramp looks like you would fly up everytime you try to go down that ramp. One more thing, I really dont see the point, or advantage of enhanced radar on such a small map. Dont take this too harsh this is just my opinion, and I havent played on this either.
...Exactly... nothing personal either, but I can't really take those reviews at face value. The ramp is smoother than it looks, and although the map looks open, with enough lines of sight, and a lot more spawn places than it looks, and the 50+ test games, spawns are solid for 2v2. For instance the open double box you can't even see in the pictures, the ledge behind the corner walls, inside the corner walls, and more. And about radar, you'd be surprised the difference between 10m radar normally, and 25m radar enhanced. With default radar, a guy could be standing in the same hill as you without seeing him on radar, and with 25m, you can see a lot more. Plus, the enhanced 25m radar is only available through the CPU in One Flag games.
Wait a minute, he abused taking advantage of a glitch that helps gameplay? That is quite the oxymoron you got there. Look, not every geo-merge is just an aesthetic, believe it or not, it contributes towards gameplay regardless. I enjoyed Squad Tactics, except for the pesky grav-lift that I could never seem to jump up off of. I never played Flag or King of the Hill but I hope I can sometime. You definitely went all out on this map. The innovation never stops with you.
Thanks Furry. Wow, that is an awesome sig... I actually prefer KotH on this map over any other gametype, and TS is decent too. This certainly isn't made for One Flag, but it supports it. I never heard a complaint over the grav lift before, but I'll definitely take a look.
well i just dl and checked it out, and man its great, i love the map, but If im going to play it i might just keep regular teamslayer for it, i dont really care for custom made gametypes except for conquest. Back to the map, is it suppose to be like a forrunner feel to it map, becaue it does, its great. thanks for the map =]
Thanks for taking the forgethrough... TS would work just as well as TS on a Conquest map though, although this looks standard, the gametype is one step below required. And I have no idea where you saw anything that resembles Forerunner...