Valkure is a small map designed for 1v1 - 4v4. It is best with slayer but can have very intense CTF games. This map was inspired by a very good friend of mine, FSC Forge. The stairs with the 3 power-ups in the center is forgey's design. I hope you enjoy the map! Update:Valkure v2 is up heres the link: Map Link:Halo 3 File Details Heres Mr. Long link again if you missed at the top: Halo 3 File Details Please comment and tell me of any map exploits.
the map dosnt look okay. The only sugestion I can make are the bottom floor looks like it lacking any cover. Also it looks like it would be really easy to spawn camp.It also looks like u need to add some more spawns. it looks like u have vary few also most of them form what I can c are in the open . some of the merges look a little crooked. U should try to make a V2
Map design is superb here and seamless interlocking is applauded All i have top hope for is that the rockets and needler are on a decent respawn and low ammo. However the door in the back of the third picture blocking off part of the map could be done better. Concerning the post a weapon list and action shots, while not strictly necessary would be appreciated, and pictures look better when taken out of forge mode. You have a dl. Good forging and i hope to see more great work from you in the future. Edit: A small map doesn't make it bad and having little/no cover on the ground is better than a cluttered bottom floor methinks. Perhaps you should add in a side room-at leats two-and create better spawns. I don't see any ways from the bottom floor up so add in a ramp or two please. Edit 2: Why did you post this in casual, not competitive? I seems competitive not casual.
Good idea, but needs to be a bit larger, maybe make 2 side rooms like said before, and in those have stairways up to the top. Then fix some better spawns, take some ammo out of the power weapons, and create a little bit of cover. You don't need much, but it might make it better if it had a couple things to get behind so the ground isn't a death pit.
very interesting, you seem to be working on a confusing but, good kind of confusing, i give it a thumb (or two) up for doing somthing new. 4/5
Looks like the first time you've tried interlocking objects. Most of the gamei think would feel empty, try and liven things up a bit.