Hiya! I've been forging for awhile, i know the basics like interlocking, merging, floating, and weapon placement and so forth, but I still can't get the hang of having a "Spawn Friendly" set up. I made a map recently and tested it with my friends and always seemed to find myself spawning cornered, any tips on placing spawns effectively...i did read the post on "guide to respawns" and i understand completely how they work, but I'm not very decent at applying that knowledge xP any tips? thx!!
You'll kind of have to realize that spawns aren't the easiest thing in the world to coordinate so that they will always be safe. Just look at how many times people complain about Bungie when they get spawn-killed in matchmaking. Try putting them in low key places, and if you have bases on your map, be sure to include a decent portion in each. Also, keeping spawns near corners and walls can prevent easy assassination spawn killing. The direction that you point them is also important. If you're facing the right direction when you spawn in a particular place, you may at least have a chance to defend yourself if an enemy happens to be nearby. These things may also just require testing. You can change stuff as you notice it while you're playing, so if you dislike a spawn point while you're playing there, go ahead and move it to a better location in that area or remove it entirely. For example, my roommate and I played 1 vs 1 on my latest map while in forge, so I was able to change things immediately.