I'm looking for a team of 4 to play with me in the objective playlist. I am really good at objective because I love strategy. So if you would like to team up, we could probably get 50's in that playlist IF YOUR GOOD. So f/r GR Blood Shot
very old acc - 47 no live old acc = 35, stop playing New acc - idk, 4? I haven't gotten around on this acc yet, I;ve been helping my friend in dubs.
Maybe you should describe what your good at, what your highest skill is (or was) and in what, your strategies, and so on. There's lots of people that are really good when it comes to straight up killing but when you need to capture a flag....well that's a completely different story.
I'm good all around in objective, I'm not going to list all of my strategies here though. It's a team effort and one basic strategy is for us to go in at different spots, then have 3 rush, while the 4th takes the flag. Then when the 3 respawn they can help. My highest skill ever was a 47 as listed above in Objective.
I agree, you see Im a pure Slayer. Im not very good at staying in hills, holding balls, or running flags. Insane is better than me when it comes to those things, Im usually the Slayer of a team. I dont have a lot of strategies when it comes to Objective, all of them are Team Slayer. I would join, only if I know that I can rely on you. There are very few people that I know I can rely on. To do their job and do it right.
I would like to do this because only 1 of my friends like objective and i love it. My highest skill is 44 My gamertage is MaverickFireIce
I'll play some time. My current rank in Objective is 43. My gamertag is in my sig. I excel at flag running.
Add zC r o o K e D. I am like a 10 on this one. I have gotten my 50 in objective before as well as the rest of the playlists.
4-6 in Objective, Highest 42 in LW Im Pretty Good At Flag Running EDIT: oh, and i can also drive vehichles just throwin that out there
Alright. I am going to make a more advanced application, because I want a good team. I am in need of three players, who are good. I am not talking about being good overall. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I need a good flag runner. Someone who drop and pickup up very fast, someone who never drops it, and can score the damn flag. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I need two people who are good at slayer. But I thought this was objective! It is. This person is gaurding the flag runner. This is so the flag runner can go out and get the flag without having to worry. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then there is me. I gaurd our flag. No, I don't camp with maulers. I grab a sniper and br and defend our whole side. Making sure no one grabs that flag. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That is for multi flag. It will also work for Assault, and Neutral Bomb. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, for one bomb and one flag, 2 people, [our flag gaurdians] will be out during defense attacking, while me and the flag runner defend the base. On offense, we use the plan for multi flag basically. Except, if I can, I will be sniping, clearing out the bases for you guys, or I will help you if there is no sniper. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For king of the hill, 2 guys in, 2 guys out. Simple. Usually the flag runner's gaurdians will be out. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For oddball, flag runner will have the ball. Flag runner gaurdians protect him. I will be out killing any one I see. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the maps we play: Halo 3 Team Objective - Halo Wiki Then, go to: Halo 3 Callouts To learn those call outs. Just click on all "___" callouts. Yes I know those are mlg but it is the onlyh thing I could find. Another last thing. During games we will be changing our service tags to o01 o02 o03 and o04. So I can call someone out by saying hey 3, br coming at you in rockets. I am already o01. Please message me on here or live.
11, but as stated before if you would have read the like 3rd post, I have had a 47 in objective. Way to read
I can help if you'd like, i'm a 7 in objective but my highest is a 42, in Lone Wolves. Despite the playlist, i'm a pretty good teamplayer, and if it helps at all, i'm a good support GT: NewbAmoeba