created by ferrari504 [size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt]Dowload The Top Description:This is a 1v1 map but 3 people could work too. This map is very small and is made to play with its gametype ''The Top''. On this map all teams spawn on different parts of the map, exept for the sword room. In the sword room all spawn points are set to neutral. Weapons: 1. sword-45 sec. 2. shotgun-45-sec.(inaccessable after 90 sec.) 3. battle rifle-30 sec. 4. sniper rofle-30 sec. 5. dual SMGs-30 sec. pics This is a pic of where one of the teams spawn(bottom of map) This is a pic from the bottom of the map looking up to where the other team spawns(shotgun behind crate; crate spawns 90 sec. into the game to make the shotgun inaccessablt) This is a pic looking from the top of the map(shown in last pic) into the drop hole which takes you to the sword room This is a pic of the sword room, and the teleporter in the background takes you to teleporter in the first pic.(taken from bottom of drop hole)
The map looks interesting, but I would appreciate a few more pictures. Its hard to imagine the layout of the map with the few you have now. The interlocking looks fairly good, although I see bridges sticking up slightly higher than the wall floor in one of the pictures. I really like how smooth the transition is to the open box thats leads to the sword, that is a very cool idea. You're likely to see that idea copied in the future. would not fall into the telepoter b/c that pic is taken from the bottom of the drop hole. sorry for the confusion
Next time you take screenshots do it in a custom so that you dont see the spawn points. They are very distracting.
I actually sometimes prefer seeing spawns simply so I know whether the spawns will have basic problems such as facing walls. But yes, the spawns get be unattractive for screenshots.
I like your general layout and interlocking i also like it how you have started it with power weapons(shotguns) to start the game and then block then off once the game gets started. I was just wondering what happens if you get caught in there? but i have to agree with the others there needs to be more pictures to see the level better. You have my d/l and ill get back to you with an updated post after a forge through. P.S. i realy enjoy most 1v1 maps
May I ask what is there to stop people from tele-camping? But aside from that I love your use of interlocking and I think the map would play out well good work and good luck in the future.
roche, there is a sword in the teleporter room as you can see from the pic...this would even out or stop any tele-camping you cant get caught b/c you can drop down to the sword room but you cant get back up and i will edit this post tomorrow and put more pics to show everyone how great this map really is
great map! i played it with you! if you add more spawn points at the bottom part, ill give it a 5/5!, but, until then, 4.99999999999999999/5! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!