Hecatomb Created by JJ.B.RICH [br] Download Hecatomb Here [br] Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer; Capture the Flag; Oddball; King of the Hill; Infection; VIP *One to Five star rating* Team Slayer ***** Capture the Flag ***** Oddball **** King of the Hill **** VIP ***** Infection ** [br] Map Description Hecatomb is a two base symetrical battleground. Perfect for 1v1 up to 6v6. Over 15 hours of testing completed. Each base has two entrances via enclosed staircase and ramp-way (are on opposite sides of each base.) The bases have a very unique feeling to them. Partially because you can defend them easily with a decent strategy (which comes in handy in most gametypes.) Between the bases lies the battlegrounds. In the absolute center of the battleground is a tower-like structure. This is not by any means the objective of the map, but it is however a vantage point. It's also not an area that can be used to "run" the map, I personally made sure of that. You must find your own way onto the first level of it (It's the size of two double boxes next to each other.) From there you can teleport yourself up to my favorite part of the map [The Catwalk] Once your there you have a pretty good overview of the battleground. From the catwalk you can make a leap to the roof of the tower-like structure. Around the structure is where most of the fighting happens. My favorite section is where you have one point where you can view each other from base to base (from ramp-way to ramp-way.) Hecatomb is intended to test you down to the nitty-gritty The weapon placement and spawn/clip settings are absolutley perfect in 11 different testers opinions. Like I have mentioned before we have spent around 17.5 hours in testing alone. This map will definitely test your real halo skills, because that is how I have designed it to play. Weapon Listing Weapons in the bases: 1x Brute shot 180s respawn 0 extra clips 1x Spiker 1x Beam rifle 2x Battle rifles 2x SMG's 1x Plasma Grenade 3x Frag Grenade Weapons on the field: 1x Shotgun 60s respawn 1x extra clip 1x Bruteshot 180s respawn 2x extra clip 1x Mauler 1x Rocket Launcher 180s respawn no extra clip 2x Assault Rifle 2x Plasma Pistol 2x Spiker 2x SMG 3x Plasma rifles 2x Plasma Grenade 2x Fire Grenade 4x Frag Grenade [br] THESE PICTURES DO NOT DO THIS MAP COMPLETE JUSTICE, THEY OFFER ONLY A FEEL FOR THE MAP _________________________________________________ [br] This is inside of the bases (they are identical) [br] _________________________________________________ [br] This is an overlook of what the bases look like (notice the stairs on the right, and the ramp on the left) [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Here is a picture from ramp-way to ramp-way [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Here is a picture of one of the ramp-ways up close [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Here is a picture of one of the staircase's [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Here is a picture of the tower-like structure [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Here is a picture of a portion of the battlefield around the structure [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Here is a picture of the catwalk [br] _________________________________________________ [br] In Addition to everything I've posted I would just like to say thank you to everyone who downloads Hecatomb. It's been a long process in an attempt to bring the halo community one more masterpeice to play on. So if you could all show some kindness and give me some constructive critism or kind appriciation =) AKA leave some feedback! [br] Download Hecatomb Here[br]
Looks nice. Reeeaaally nice. Although I do not understand why you put CTF at 3 stars. Any map that supports CTF but is not fun with CTF is fail. Why only 3? But it does look great. Although sizing up the bases would be nice. A little small. Queued. PS 3 types of grenades are iffy though... Flame grenades usually make maps worse...
whoa lol sorry about that it's supposed to be a five =/ i've spent so much time working on this topic to make it look nice that it must of slipped. anyway thank you for your dl! EDIT ON NADES: They only spawn every 60s I think? Idk theyre not used like you would think, for one theyre not really all that easy to find and second people usually waste them by trying to tag people off the catwalk. So they havent been a problem so far.
This looks like a pretty good map. Aside from the weapons armory problem, the map definitely has some ties to Wizard and Sanctuary. The middle tower offering a tactical point sounds like a plus to me.
The weapons armory really hasn't posed a problem in the matches we tested aside from I couldn't decide weather to have the rocket launcher spawn once or 180s but I balanced it with 0 extra clips. The weapons around the map were changed after almost every test. They were so bad that the games were flying by. Since I made the final changes though the weapons fit nicley to make the games a good 10 minutes long in some cases. But I do appriciate your opinion. Nice eye about wizard and sanctuary though lol I just noticed.
Those bases do look a little too smal. but then again, not a big map. I don't like armories that much though. But this armory that you have is good, only because you don't put that much power weapons in it. I would download, but my router is down so I can't. Great map though. =]
Yeah I wouldnt really call it an armory at all. Just a few battle rifles and smg's a alien sniper and lastly a brute shot that you can use every 180s but you only have 6 shots with it.
lol well thanks. Also I meant to mention that as you have seen at the top of all pictures it says that they do not do the map itself good justice. This means that when you see the bases in the pictures they look tiny but when playing they're actually quite large.
Trust me the map isn't cramped by any means its actually quite open in most areas. Its a REALLY well balanced map.