Sandbox Castle Crashers

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Conkerkid11, Mar 29, 2009.


What do you think of this map?

  1. Not my style

  2. Okay

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  5. Great

  1. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is not at all like Castle Crashers in any way, except for the fact that you crash castles!


    Absolutely Required!!!

    Castle Crashers, my second project on Sandbox, and by far my best map ever. Castle Crashers is my very first competitive map on Sandbox, and my first attempt at a territories map. Castle Crashers may be labeled as a Conquest map, but don't let that confuse you or anything. This is not a traditional conquest map. It is not symmetrical, and it uses two things that traditional conquest maps are ussualy unable to use; vehicles, and equipment. Some of the weapons you will also find odd to be put in a Conquest map. But think of this as a one-sided, vehicle, Conquest map. If you think differently of the map, and deny the fact that it is a Conquest map. Then I can simply just edit this post, and change the prefix to Sandbox.​

    The map, simply put. Is a very long bridge structure, with two castles. The defenders spawn inside the castle, and are unable to escape. Here you will find slits in the walls that make for windows. You cannot jump out of them, but instead use them to shoot down at the attackers. The defenders are given 4 brute shots at the start, and a battle rifle. With these weapons, they must shoot down, through the windows of the castle, at the attackers. The job of the defenders, is simply this; defend each, and every territory using the weapons given. The defenders also have a two way node inside the castle, that leads to a much smaller room. These two castles are the only places the defenders will ever find themselves.​

    The attackers spawn behind their vehicles, and must charge the defenders using tactics, and communication to their advantage. This is where that "Castle Crashers" part comes in. In order for the attackers to progress through each castle, they must break down the walls with their warthogs. Don't try breaking it down with explosives, or mongooses. It won't work. Beyond the first castle is a jump that brings you to the second attacker base. The second attacker base is another place the defenders can spawn. But they can only begin spawning there if they take the third territory.​

    The rest of the map is pretty basic. Just a much larger castle for the attackers to crash, and from there they go to the courtyard. The courtyard is where most of the territories are located, and goes in a spiral. This part is based on moving on foot, and using the line of sight to your advantage.​

    The creation of Castle Crashers began on March 12th, when I suddenly got the idea in my head to remake the famous Dread Castle map. Remember Dread Castle on Avalanche? Well I started working on the attacker base first. Slowly progressing towards the first castle. At the time it was an infection map. Slowly turning into a competitive map when I attempted building a bridge underneath the castle. Providing the attackers with a second path towards the castle. At this time it was a capture the flag map. Until one day I got fed up and deleted the entire underground area, and thought back to maps like Spear Point by Deathtoll. Then I began building the top half to the castle. Slowly progressing towards what is now, Castle Crashers. Changing many things about it, throughout my two testing sessions I'm sure most of you know about. Then getting in a small third testing session, thus completing my map. Not a fascinating story, I know. But it's what happend, it's the truth!​

    It all started one day when Fred, a peasant located in the village of Thumble, decided to rebel against the King and his faithful army of knights. The King heard of this rebelion, and gathered his army of knights to fight back against what was now, a large group of peasants. You see, Fred was a preacher at the local Catholic Church, and already had experience in leadership. The peasants were simply fed up with taking the King's crap, and were waiting for a fellow peasant to stand up against him. ​

    Upon hearing word of the peasant rebelion, the King locked himself and his knights away in seperate castles. Hoping to stop the rebelion, without harming himself, or his army of knights. As the King locked the door to the castle, he had realized one fatal mistake he had made. His wife, the Queen had not heard of this rebelion, and was headed towards the Catholic Church to collect tax money. The King quickly unlocked the door, and rushed towards town to collect his wife. Sadly mistaken, a knight who had not seen the King leave the castle, spotted a man and a women running up towards the castle doors. Thinking they were peasants, he shot, and killed, both the King, and the Queen. ​

    The peasants heard the shots fired, and they took that as a signal to attack the castle. This is going to be one hell of a war....​

    I recommend playing with 8-16 players.
    This map plays with territories, and only territories. Any other gametype might cause you to spawn on the edge of a cliff somewhere, or underwater next to Spongebob's house. No, but really, this map only plays with territories. There are 8 territories total, and they all take 20 seconds to capture. Each of them with their own set size. 75% damage, and practically all the same settings as Conquest v4, except that the starting weapons are an Assault Rifle, and a Battle Rifle. Play this map with even teams, ranging from 4v4, to 8v8, and you'll be fine.​

    4 Battle Rifles - 45 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip
    Although you already start out with them, you will thank me for placing these around the map. You could run out of ammo. These also come in hand when you stuck on the ground, without a vehicle.
    *Battle Rifle - 45 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip
    Trust me, when you run out of ammo with that Brute Shot, your going to need this to take out ground support.
    2 Sniper Rifles -60 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip
    Very great if you know how to use it, easy to pick off defenders when it's only their head sticking through the window.
    4 SMGs - 30 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips
    When combined with a Plasma Rifle, this can be one very deadly weapon at a distance.
    6 Spikers - 30 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips
    Not that great at a distance. But if you are right underneath the defenders, use this to stop them from killing off your other teammates. I recommend combining this with a Plasma Rifle to take down the enemy's shields quicker.
    3 Plasma Rifles - 30 Second Respawn
    Great when combined with an SMG, or a Spiker. Not so great when combined with another Plasma Rifle. Use this to take down the attackers shields really fast.
    2 Needlers - 60 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip
    At a distance and up close, these things are one hell of a weapon either way. Make sure to focus your fire on one attacker. Otherwise you won't kill anybody.
    Brute Shot - 60 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip
    With a large blast radius like this one. What's not great about it!? Shoot at the edges around the attacker window. Or shoot through the window. Your choice.
    *4 Brute Shots - 10 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips
    Amazing against Mongooses and Warthogs alike. But not so great against people on foot. Use this to pick defenders off who are hiding behind cover. But don't use it to kill them.. the Battle Rifle is better against people on foot.
    Rocket Launcher - 60 Second Respawn - 0 Spare Clips
    Make sure you don't miss with this thing, it only has two rockets in it! Fire this directly at the enemy. Not at the window itself, the blast won't make it into the room.
    ** *2 Rocket Launchers - 90 Second Respawn - 0 Spare Clips
    Make sure to save the ammo for vehicles, or a large group of people on foot. Don't ever waste it on a single enemy. With a long respawn time like that, you're going to want to save the ammo.
    ** *Spartan Laser - 180 Second Respawn
    Look at that! A weapon that spawns exactly 30 seconds after the Transport Hornet! Use it on the Transport Hornet if nothing else will work.
    ** *3 Fuel Rod Cannons - 45 Second Respawn - 0 Spare Clips
    Amazing blast radius, and a very large amount of damage. Fire this at enemies on foot, and in vehicle alike. Although not as strong, or effective as the Rocket Launcher. This weapon is a lot better than the Brute Shot.
    6 Mongooses - 10 Second Respawn
    Great when you and a friend need to get somewhere fast. Not great to crash a castle. Only warthogs can crash castles, remember that!
    2 Warthogs - 20 Second Respawn
    The castle crasher itself! Use these wisely, you don't want to be stuck with a closed castle, and no warthogs. The turret is also very effective to support your teammates on ground.
    **Gauss Warthog - 20 Second Respawn
    Another castle crasher! Use this even more wisely than the Warthog though. With an even more effective turret that can take down a single enemy in one hit, you're going to want to save this one!
    **Transport Hornet - 150 Second Respawn
    This vehicle can crash castles, it can carry teammates from territory to territory. It can even kill the defenders! But be warned, you are going to have 30 seconds with this thing before the Spartan Laser spawns, so do what you're going to do fast.
    8 Frag Grenades - 10 Second Respawn
    Great blast radius, but only effective if you can get it into the window. With small windows like those, you have to be pretty good at grenade tossing.
    2 Plasma Grenades - 10 Second Respawn
    Although you cannot throw it as far as a Frag Grenade. It will effect the enemy team even more if you land it in the castle.
    4 Spike Grenades - 10 Second Respawn
    With a random blast radius like this, who knows what it's going to do! Stick an attacker and you could kill the entire team!
    2 Bubble Shields - 60 Second Respawn
    With one of these, you could take an entire territory without getting a single scratch. Just make sure you toss it in the right place though.
    2 Regenerators - 60 Second Respawn
    Very effective, but not as effective as a Bubble Shield. Use these only as a last resort, or to heal your team. Be the savior of your team, or throw it in the wrong place, and be the downfall of your team.
    2 Deployable Cover - 60 Second Respawn
    Although the defenders can rip through these within seconds, they still can protect you long enough to get behind cover.​

    *= Attackers Only **= Doesn't Spawn At Start

    No updates, or changes have been made to this map so far. Be the first to contribute some ideas for a v2 today!​









    Just in case you missed them up on top!​


    Absolutely Required!!!

    And of course if you like the map a lot, you could click this!
    C'mon! I know you want to click it, and nominate this map for a Feature!
    #1 Conkerkid11, Mar 29, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2009
  2. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice post but i dont under stand the name other then the fact that on part of the map looks like a castle.

    i'd download if i had the maps but luckly they come out april 9 i think, well if i remember then ill dl for sure it looks fun.
    #2 redeyesmaster, Mar 29, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  3. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I definately see why Conkerkid11 is mad, i dont blame him, this map clearly has hours and hours and hours of work put in it and the actual post is great too. the map looks fun, although i cant really give a full review because i havent played it, but it definately seems fun to play. Jeez people, youve gotta read a post before you say things like that.
  4. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very nice map, the forging is beautiful, supporting aesthetics and gameplay both equally well. I like the fact that you must use the warthogs to knockdown the walls to continue throughout the map. A well thought innovation in my opinion.

    The only thing I have to add is that I don't think you should list it as conquest because in your post you stated it is one-sided, and that is not in the spirit of conquest.

    Otherwise great job!

    ~Billy Reloaded
  5. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, it looks like a good Competitive map, but not so much for Conquest. I mean, it's too open to play a good old traditional Conquest game. But anyway, the map looks really cool, and it seems centered around vehicle gameplay. It seems like a solid map, so 8/10. Good job.
  6. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow I looked at the first three post and I got angry and this even isnt my map. I ACUALLY READ THE POST AND UNDERSTAND IT! And you know what? I like it. Im definetly downloading this because it looks like a fun game. I really like the man-cannons it really brings out the fun level of the map. Its well put together and from what I can see nicely interlocked (not that a map needs interlocking). Ill give it a 19/20 because the gameplay looks fantastic. Good Job!
    #6 blackandblutoo, Mar 29, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  7. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    O ya, Sorry I always get them mixed up!
  8. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map is still cool. If you download it and play it you will like it. And I bet Conker will say the same thing, only longer and in depth. lol
  9. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very nicely put together, I can tell you took your time on the floors, they are such a pain to keep in one spot. I love the theme and dude the thread it's self is very detailed and organized. I ran a territories game on this map and really enjoyed the gameplay, maybe post a few more pics, but the ones you have are definatly doing it justice. Again, nice floors!
    #9 C0RRUPTl0N, Mar 29, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  10. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow, you just have to come back and remind him that you didnt DL AND you stated that the description is useless.

    really dude?

    anyways excellent job on the map, looks like it involves a lot of strategy and the gameplay looks great, as well as the aesthetics.

    good decription BTW. 4.5/5
  11. PulseKiller

    PulseKiller Ancient
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    I just downloaded it, looks good. I really appreciate the time you put into making the map and post, it really shows how much you care about it. And dont worry about Dark... let him troll on, just dont fuel him. I will update this with some gameplay feedback when I play on it, but from the description it sounds very good.

    I hope you get the attention for this map that it deserves.
  12. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Do you really think that your complaining (border-line bitching) is going to make anyone want to download your map anymore?

    Personally, I'm just about ready to not download your map, as I am utterly shocked at how you blatantly put-down two people, just because you assumed that they did not read.

    Not exactly the smartest way to deal with those who may chose not to read the map description, now is it?

    Now, I actually have read it, and the premise intrigues me. Just enough for me to download it, and check it out. However, you might want to explain how the defending team's gameplay mechanics work, because I really don't understand that at all.

    I will write up a review for this after I have played a game or two.
    #12 The Cheat, Mar 29, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  13. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I agree with The Cheat in the fact that this isn't the way to handle with new members on Forgehub that just post comments before reading the post. Chill out. I think that you are so defensive because you are hoping for a Feature maybeeeee :) Jk. But anyway..

    I have a feeling that this is going to be truely an amazing game for larger parties, am i correct? And All the interlocking is smooth and very well put together. I am also suprised at the fact that you basically had no planning involved and just went with it after so many changes :) THis map is win for sure


    EDIT: grammar errors
    #13 uF HaVoK, Mar 29, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  14. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks man i love you :) (in a no **** sort of a way)
    i like how just 2 little comments get everyone pissed
    :) makes me laugh at how much people care about this game enough to get into a huge fight and talk about how my "rep" will get ruined
    im just sayin Conker that if you want people to understand keep it more short. because i dont want to read an essay. i just want to see if the map is worth my time.
    im not trying to be an ass right now but i just want to point out that you took this all too seriously.
  15. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well first off, don't lie. I ran by your profile and checked your game history, no such match. In fact I don't even think you have the Mythic maps if I'm not mistaken, based off your game history that is. And yes, I checked MM, Custom, and Forge.

    For Conker, I took the time to read through your whole post. Despite some bad sentence structure and grammar, I found it to be of high quality, thought out and executed with an ample amount of time. I think you may have something here, perhaps a new fad, a new Conquest variant even. I have yet to examine this beauty in person, seeing as currently I am enthralled in Call of Duty, but this is on the top of my to do list when I grab a game or two. While reading your explanation of your map and gametype, I could not help but remember certain custom maps such as Epicenter. Although yes this differs in various ways, the genius underlying concept remains the same, but more intriguing with your own added twist. All things said your post was long and thorough, I will be inspecting and playing this map, and hereby bid all the pissers to piss off and leave Conker alone. And Corruption, no lying about playing custom games so you can post. (Unless I may be greatly mistaken, which I doubt)

    EDIT: For anyone wishing to view C0RRUPTlON's B/net Service Record and check for yourself, look no further.
    #15 Bottlecap, Mar 30, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2009
  16. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Still, I find it quite funny that each member was simply stating they did not fully grasp the game and map variant. So, it might have been a good idea to explain the game a little better, so that they actually know what it's about.

    People always post things very similar to this on other map threads, and I don't think anyone has ever went off about it quite like you have.

    It's not spam.

    It's simply a member who is requesting a more in-depth description of your map, so they know what they are downloading.

    Regardless of how long the map and post took you, lashing out at them because they don't understand, is not tolerable. It is rude, and simply shows that you don't care for those who may download your map.

    To be quite honest, I really don't grasp the game variant 100% myself. All I know is that it's a territories game, in which attackers have to run at a castle. I really don't grasp how defenders can stop attackers from getting some of the earlier territories.

    From a logical perspective (considering my knowledge of the gametype is correct.), the Transport Hornet seems a little over powered, as the attackers can simply grab a bubble shield, fly to the last territory and capture it. Then, simply capture the other territories, uncontested, as I do not know how the defenders can get to the other castle.

    Now, I would like to think of myself as an intellectual person (considering my I.Q was genius level in 1st grade), and even I don't quite understand it. You should remember that the creator of a game variant will always understand it better than those who download and play it, and I suggest explaining the role of the defenders a little better, so the previous strategy mentioned, doesn't dominate the game, and make it less enjoyable for those who play it.

    As I said before, I will download...but you have to be patient, because I cannot currently access my Xbox and check it out.
    #16 The Cheat, Mar 30, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2009
  17. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I understood his explanation completely and without need of more information, so thus you are saying what? Perhaps just leave it be, maybe, just maybe Conker could be having a bad day and certain comments/people sent him a little over the edge? Whilst not condoning his actions, I think it best you, and others, move on and stop bringing this issue to hand. Rather download the map, THEN come back and post a follow up reply. And Conker, LOL, I didn't even look at the downloads, but checking his service record was way more satisfying.
  18. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The thread is now clear of any negative posts from me. I apologize for my replies, and will begin answering any questions regarding the map. Please leave any constructive criticism you have, or tips on what I should add/take away.

    Edit: Yes indeed, very bad day for me. Seeing as my parents left me at home, while they went out to eat chinese. It really sucks when your divorced parents try getting back together again. Especially when one is drunk 100% of the time, and they are fighting constantly over nothing.
    #18 Conkerkid11, Mar 30, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2009
  19. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Now that is a much better way to handle things!

    I was not trying to add any further stress to the situation, so I apologize if I did. I was simply trying to help you deal with comments similar to the first three.

    There will always be people who do not understand (or just want to be dicks) so, dealing with it properly is necessary if you don't want to look like a jerk to people.

    I will stop bringing up the situation, as things have been changed for this thread for the better. And hopefully, I be able to play a few games on it tomorrow, and I'll get back to you with some feedback. As for right now, I think I should get some sleep...
  20. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey bud.
    um i gotta say somethin that the cheat pointed out to me:
    that this map ISN'T supose to be like castle crashers.... you just made something like it.
    of course i dont read the one part of the post that says this.
    my bad. doubt you will except this "apologie" but oh well.
    now im off to download it and try it haha
    and also the reason why i voted "its not my type" or whatever is from what the pics showed the map didnt seem too appealing to me! but i will go solve all of those rumors and download it.

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