A while back I saw a screenshot of some weapons on Sandtrap that would form a face if you looked at it from an angle. But that's a screenshot... I might make a map around this where you're fighting with that statue looking at you. Lol, Cold Storage.
Here's how it works: In real life, if you made that out of paper, you would have to close one eye. It's all about depth perception. With both eyes open, it's easy to see the real thing and not the illusion, but when you close one eye you lose your depth perception. With 2 eyes, you get a 3D image sent to your mind. With one eye open, it's like looking at a picture. Obviously, pictures aren't 3D, so you really can't tell how far away the tree is from the house in the picture. So the reason why you see the dragon's head move is because of the shadows on the face. The shadows agree with the real dragon and the illusion. So that's why people have a 50/50 chance at seeing the illusion rather than seeing the real thing. The reason why you don't have to close both eyes when watching the video is because, like a picture, videos are 2D. Remember, videos are just a bunch of pictures flashed at you really fast to make it look like something's moving.
I can see the illusion from the pic. Its pretty simple just like in art class. Nice job perfecting it on halo. Also, can you put on youtube if you can? Some people dont have Sandbox =(
I finally figured out how to look at it right. That's awesome; I've never seen something like this ever attempted on Forge. Great job!
holy crap thats trippy. I would never have thought to forge one of these. Great work. Is it completely flat?
wow this is awesome! i have some of the paper ones but i never thought of making one in a video game.
Very unique. lol im going to download this and look at it with my friends...Lets see if they can geusse what it is...
wow, i didnt get how it'd work untill i watched the video, it took me a few seconds to reaise that its snout was supposed to look like it was sticking out intead of inwards. epic!
I never watched the video b4 but now i did and its awsome took me a minute to get it but then "BAM" it hut me! Im not gonna DL though (Please dont bann me for SPAM for this) But I rally loved you'r Thread. 5/5 <--- For the Thread
I didn't work for me , and what is it supposed to be xD. You get a lot of points for creativity and originality. 4/5
I wish there was a way to have sandbox completely lit up for a competitive game. I really liked the guide man, it helped and I am pretty sure it helped others as well.